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I'm trying to use ORM to CRUD some change logs. I already have a pretty simple table structure that would require 2 joins. I've created entities for both of the joined objects. I'd like to fetch change logs with these objects populated.
I already have the tables. I don't have or want any official foreign keys setup; I just use the "_fk" convention to indicate it references the PK of another table.
component entityname="ChangeLog" accessors="true" persistent="true" table="change_logs" {
property name="id" type="numeric" column="change_log_id" fieldtype="id" generator="native";
property name="message" type="string";
property name="type" column="change_log_type_id_fk" cfc="ChangeLogType";
property name="user" column="user_id_fk" cfc="User";
component entityname="ChangeLogType" accessors="true" persistent="true" table="change_log_types" {
property name="id" type="numeric" column="change_log_type_id" fieldtype="id" generator="native";
property name="name" type="string";
component entityname="User" accessors="true" persistent="true" table="users" {
property name="id" type="numeric" column="user_id" fieldtype="id" generator="native";
property name="name" type="string";
At best, the "user" property comes back as an int -- the user id; at worst the whole thing blows up failing on some DDL issue or trying to create a foreign key or not understanding the type. What I want is the user and type properties to be their User.cfc and ChangeLogType.cfc entity object equivalents.
This shouldn't be that hard. How can I do this? I've tried many things (including messing with hdmxml files) with no luck. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
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There's a lot going on here. From what I can see, the names of the tables should be singular, hence change_log, change_log_type and user. Also, I expected the changelog to contain multiple users. Were you perhaps aiming for something like this:
component persistent="true" table="change_log" {
property name="id" type="numeric" column="change_log_id" fieldtype="id";
property name="message" type="string";
property name="type" type="one-to-one" cfc="ChangeLogType";
property name="users" singularname="user" fieldtype="one-to-many" cfc="User" fkcolumn="change_log_id" cascade="all";
component persistent="true" table="change_log_type" {
property name="id" type="numeric" column="change_log_type_id" fieldtype="id";
property name="name" type="string";
component persistent="true" table="user" {
property name="id" type="numeric" column="user_id" fieldtype="id";
property name="name" type="string";
property name="changelog" fieldtype="many-to-one" cfc="changeLog";
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What I'm trying to do is utilize ORM with a DB schema that already exists. So renaming that tables to be singular isn't something I should need to do.
The main ask here isn't to allow for a one-to-many on ChangeLog to User because only 1 user creates the log; which is why the change log table has a user_id_fk representing the user that created it. What I want is a ChangeLog object with a "user" property that is the User object of the user that created the log.
I don't see the need in cluttering up the User entity with a defined relationship to ChangeLog. Why? User doesn't need to know ChangeLog is referencing it. This is User ... this could be references *everywhere* ... all ChangeLog should need to know is the column representing the referencing id and the entity to join to; it should be able to assume without further configuration that is should join that column to the PK of the referenced entity.
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Thanks for the clarification. As I now understand it, I would suggest simply
property name="user" column="user_id_fk" cfc="Users";