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I use coldfusion but i'm no expert i'm trying to populate 3 select field from a previous selection its year/vendor/model of cars to find the appropriate tire size.
I manage to find some code to make the first 2 to load but the 3rd one the model doesnt work here is my code what M I missing or doing wrong ?
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>losd list test</title>
<CFQUERY NAME="getyear" datasource="dataname">
FROM carmodels
order by year DESC
<cfset Start = 1>
<cfset Start2 = 1>
<cfset Start3 = 1>
<cfset End = getyear.recordcount>
<script language="javascript">
/*Fonction addLoadEvent */
function addLoadEvent(func) {
var oldonload = window.onload;
if (typeof window.onload != 'function') {
window.onload = func;
} else {
window.onload = function() {
if (oldonload) {
/*Define the options*/
var tab1 = new Array("Sélectionner une année", <cfloop query = "getyear" startRow = "#Start#" endRow = "#End#"><CFOUTPUT>"#year#"<CFIF getyear.currentRow EQ #end#><CFELSE>, </CFIF></CFOUTPUT></cfloop>);
var tab2 = new Array();
tab2["year"] = new Array("Marque");
<cfloop query = "getyear" startRow = "#Start2#" endRow = "#End#"><CFOUTPUT><cfset lannee = '#year#'>tab2["#year#"] = new Array("Sélectionner une marque" <CFQUERY NAME="getvendor" datasource="dataname">SELECT DISTINCT vendor FROM carmodels WHERE year = '#lannee#' ORDER by vendor</cfquery><cfset End3 = getvendor.recordcount><cfloop query = "getvendor" startRow = "#Start2#" endRow = "#End3#">, "#getvendor.vendor#"</cfloop>);</CFOUTPUT></cfloop>
var tab3 = new Array();
tab3["vendor"] = new Array("Model");
<cfloop query = "getvendor" startRow = "#Start3#" endRow = "#End#"><CFOUTPUT><cfset levendor = '#vendor#'>tab3["#vendor#"] = new Array("Sélectionner un modèle" <CFQUERY NAME="getmodel" datasource="dataname">SELECT DISTINCT model FROM carmodels WHERE vendor = '#levendor#' AND year = #lannee# ORDER by model</cfquery><cfset End4 = getmodel.recordcount><cfloop query = "getmodel" startRow = "#Start3#" endRow = "#End4#">, "#getmodel.model#"</cfloop>);</CFOUTPUT></cfloop>
/*The function to load the list*/
<!------ SELECT 1 ----------------->
function loadList1() {
var list1 = document.getElementById("list1");
for (var i = 0; i < tab1.length; i++) {
var item = document.createElement('option');
item.value = tab1;
item.innerHTML = tab1;
if (i == 0) {
item.selected = true;
if (tab1.length > 0) {
<!------ SELECT 2 ----------------->
function loadList2(list1Value) {
var list2 = document.getElementById("list2");
var toDelete = list2.childNodes;
var tab = tab2[list1Value];
while (list2.hasChildNodes()) {
if (tab) {
for (var i = 0; i < tab.length; i++) {
var item = document.createElement('option');
item.value = tab;
item.innerHTML = tab;
list2.disabled = false;
else {
list2.disabled = true;
<!------ SELECT 3 ----------------->
function loadList3(list2Value) {
var list3 = document.getElementById("list3");
var toDelete = list3.childNodes;
var tab = tab3[list2Value];
while (list3.hasChildNodes()) {
if (tab) {
for (var i = 0; i < tab.length; i++) {
var item = document.createElement('option');
item.value = tab;
item.innerHTML = tab;
list3.disabled = false;
else {
list3.disabled = true;
<form action="search.cfm" method="post">
<script type="text/javascript">addLoadEvent(loadList1);</script><select id="list1" name="year" style="width: 180px;" onChange="loadList2(this.value);"></select>
<!---- Here i get all the years and its working --->
<select id="list2" name="vendor" style="width: 180px;" onChange="loadList3(this.value);"></select>
<!---- the list3.disabled = true; is activated and the field is grey out once I select a year the vendor list appears GREAT --->
<select id="list3" name="Model" style="width: 180px;"></select>
<!---- the list3.disabled = true; is not activated and once i select a vendor it stays empty and the list3.disabled = true; comes in fonction and the field is greyed out--->
Thank you in advence for your help
Next tips:
1) ensure that the annee database column is of integer type.
2) change the initialization code <cfset anneeArray[1][1]=""> to <cfset anneeArray[1][1]="0">
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You are right Bkbk, because i have been looking for this kind of code for a few days before i asked here. So here is the woking one i added a 4th select box for the options and it is working perfectly. Keep in mind that the sitepneus in the CFC bind was a test directory I was using. The database was for a car and tire match :
the search-result.cfm is a simple page to see if i was getting the proper tire size for a specific car.
CFM main page
<title>Car search</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<cfform action="search-result.cfm" method="post">
<td>Select Year :</td>
<td><cfselect name="year"
bindonload="true" /></td>
<td>Select Vendor:</td>
<td><cfselect name="vendor"
bind="{year})" /></td>
<td>Select Model:</td>
<td><cfselect name="model"
bind="{year},{vendor})" /></td>
<td>Select option:</td>
<td><cfselect name="modification"
bind="{year},{vendor},{model})" /></td>
<input type="Submit" value="Search">
<cfset this.dsn = "MyDate">
<cfprocessingdirective pageEncoding="utf-8">
<!--------------- year ----------->
<cffunction name="getyear" access="remote" returntype="array">
<cfset var yearQry = "">
<cfquery name = "yearQry" dataSource = "#THIS.dsn#">
FROM tx_carmodels
order by year DESC
<!--- Values for the first - the default - select option --->
<cfset yearArray[1][1]="">
<cfset yearArray[1][2]="Select a year">
<cfloop query="yearQry">
<cfset yearArray[currentrow+1][1]=yearQry.year>
<cfset yearArray[currentrow+1][2]=yearQry.year>
<cfreturn yearArray>
<!--------------- Vendor / Make ----------->
<cffunction name="getVendor" access="remote" returntype="array">
<cfargument name="yr" required="true" type="string">
<cfset var vendorQry = "">
<cfset var vendorArray = arrayNew(2)>
<cfquery name = "vendorQry" dataSource = "#THIS.dsn#">
FROM tx_carmodels
WHERE year = '#arguments.yr#'
order by vendor
<!--- Values for the first - the default - select option --->
<cfset vendorArray[1][1]="">
<cfset vendorArray[1][2]="Select a vendor">
<cfloop query="vendorQry">
<cfset vendorArray[currentrow+1][1]=vendorQry.vendor>
<cfset vendorArray[currentrow+1][2]=vendorQry.vendor>
<cfreturn vendorArray>
<!--------------- Model ----------->
<cffunction name="getModel" access="remote" returntype="array">
<cfargument name="yr" required="true" type="string">
<cfargument name="vendor" required="true" type="string">
<cfset var modelQry = "">
<cfset var modelArray = arrayNew(2)>
<cfquery name = "modelQry" dataSource = "#THIS.dsn#">
FROM tx_carmodels
WHERE year = '#arguments.yr#' AND vendor = '#arguments.vendor#'
order by model
<!--- Values for the first - the default - select option --->
<cfset modelArray[1][1]="">
<cfset modelArray[1][2]="Select a model">
<cfloop query="modelQry">
<cfset modelArray[currentrow+1][1]=modelQry.model>
<cfset modelArray[currentrow+1][2]=modelQry.model>
<cfreturn modelArray>
<!--------------- options ----------->
<cffunction name="getOption" access="remote" returntype="array">
<cfargument name="yr" required="true" type="string">
<cfargument name="vendor" required="true" type="string">
<cfargument name="model" required="true" type="string">
<cfset var optionQry = "">
<cfset var optionArray = arrayNew(2)>
<cfquery name = "optionQry" dataSource = "#THIS.dsn#">
SELECT DISTINCT modification
FROM tx_carmodels
WHERE year = '#arguments.yr#' AND vendor = '#arguments.vendor#' AND model = '#arguments.model#'
order by modification
<!--- Values for the first - the default - select option --->
<cfset optionArray[1][1]="">
<cfset optionArray[1][2]="Select an option">
<cfloop query="optionQry">
<cfset optionArray[currentrow+1][1]=optionQry.modification>
<cfset optionArray[currentrow+1][2]=optionQry.modification>
<cfreturn optionArray>
CFM search-result.cfm
<title>Tire Result</title>
<cfquery name = "getcar" dataSource = "MyData">
FROM tx_carmodels
WHERE year = #year# AND vendor = '#vendor#' AND model = '#model#'
<cfquery name = "gettires" dataSource = "MyData">
FROM tyrespecifications
WHERE carmodel =
<cfoutput query="gettires">
To make it clearer Spectype was Default or Alternative. the rest was tire size #front_width#/#front_profile#R#front_diameter# in this case for
would be :
DEFAULT | 235/60R18 |
ALTERNATIVE | 235/55R19 |
ALTERNATIVE | 255/50R19 |
ALTERNATIVE | 255/45R20 |
Thanks BKBK