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For anyone having issues with moving an old CF9 site to CF2016 that used the ADDT (Adobe Dreamweaver Development Template) files, I have discovered a possible fix to the error: "KT_getRealValue:Unknown method: KT_Insert1."
When browsing a page served up from CF2016, the following error displays: "KT_getRealValue:Unknown method: KT_Insert1." for all pages
1) Browse to this post & apply all of the changes listed:
2) Now browse to the "includes\common\" file and make the following change (around line 914):
<!---Fix for CF9 (& above) when getting error: "KT_getRealValue:Unknown method: KT_Insert1." Just comment out the "cfdefaultcase"--->
<cfset Request.KT_die('KT_getRealValue:<br />Unknown method: ' & method & '.')>
3) Try your pages again and they should now be working.
ps: looks like the code won't post in step 2, so here it is:
<!---Fix for CF9 (& above) when getting error: "KT_getRealValue:Unknown method: KT_Insert1." Just comment out the "cfdefaultcase"--->
<cfset Request.KT_die('KT_getRealValue:<br />Unknown method: ' & method & '.')>
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