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I ran into a problem when applying the 11th update for CF2018 as the drive ran out of space, which corrupted the files and ended up having to uninstall and re-install on a separate drive in order to resolve the issue; however, now I am dealing with an odd quirk in that when a form with multiple checkboxes or multiple selections from a select lists is submitted -- I receive the variable as an array rather than a list, which causes issues when I attempt to pass that variable into a query via cfqueryparam.
Is there an option that can be adjusted to control this behavior? My code has not changed and now gives an error about a complex type. I would prefer to have the items submitted as a list or string, as otherwise, I have to go into my code in all these places to test if it's an array and then call ArrayTolist, which was never needed before the reinstall.
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Yes, there is a solution. See my response to a similar question here:
There's a discussion there also how this is unexpected and undocumented in the update, and so unfortunate, but no longer unresolved for you, to slip in one more "un" there. 🙂
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The gist of the discussion Charlie refers to: set sameFormFieldsAsArray to false.
<cfapplication name="myApplication" sameFormFieldsAsArray="false">
<cfcomponent >
<cfset = "myApplication">
<cfset this.sameFormFieldsAsArray="false">
</cfcomponent >