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I have Coldfusión 2016 and currently it has a server monitor, in the browsers it tells me that from this year I will no longer be able to use Flash, will this affect my coldfusión or only the monitoring?
Do I have alternatives other than flash?
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This only affects the monitoring app, which is separate from CF. I really doubt there will be any alternatives for Flash. I recommend you keep an old browser around that will be able to run Flash (maybe IE 11).
Dave Watts, Eidolon LLC
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Also, note that CF2018 removed that old Flash-based Server Monitor (available only in CF Enterprise), but if you move up to CF2018 or 2021, you will be able to use its new PMT (Performance Monitoring Toolset), which is available in both Standard and Enteprise (and trial and developer).
But until then, if you may remain on CF2016 (which itself stops getting updates in 2 months), note that there are other available CF monitors such as FusionReactor and SeeFusion which run on all versions of CF (and haven't relied on Flash for years).
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Hi, It's really incredible that Adobe doesn't has a solution for all companies that use CF 2016 and the monitoring app died without an alternative.
Nobody knows a solutions for us, please, we need a solutions.
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There are solutions, which you can build or buy:
Of course, that's a lot of work, and many will find it more economical and practical to just buy one of the alternatives I listed above. But if you or others wanted to create an open source solution based on the admin api, you may find an audience of like-minded folks.
Does that help?
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Hello Charlie,
I fully understand her argument and I thank her for her prompt response.
But you have to understand that I bought a license that included a monitoring functionality that I do not have now.
It is not understandable that Adobe stops supporting SWF, and that affecting another product of its property, Monitor CF) has not provided an alternative.
You offer me payment solutions or else I can build it myself or the developer community, is that correct? Well, you know that I do not agree.
I have been using CF since version 3.11 and I have paid for each and every one of the new versions, and we have also suffered a lot with each new CF update for different reasons that I will not list.
Regarding the update to CF 2018 or CF 2021, we will most likely consider moving to other market alternatives such as "Lucee", unless you tell me that I can update to CF 2018 at no cost.
By the way, could you tell me the upgrade prices from CF 2106 to CF2108?
In any case, the solutions that you propose do not seem fair to me, since I have to invest my money or my time to solve a problem that you have generated for me.
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First, I don't know what "her" you are referring to, when you are responding to what I said (and I see otherwise only Dave Watts replying before me).
Second, you conclude by referring to "a problem that you have generated for me". I don't work for Adobe, to be clear. So I have offered you solutions to your problem. I have not caused it.
As for your challenges moving from release to release, I also help people with that. It's rare that it's impossible, but I realize people often give up for their own reasons, perhaps without seeking help. Others plow on, as it seems you have or are considering.
As for the price to upgrade to 2018 from 2016, there is no discount for that now, if that's what you mean. Adobe's upgrade discount has always been only to the current release from its preceding one. Once a new version comes out, that discount goes with it. Indeed, they only offer the new version for sale. Again, these are Adobe's policies. I just relay them (with more details that I've written about elsewhere).
Finally, you present the possibility of moving to Lucee. That makes sense for some, sure. Some have just as much trouble as moving to a new version of CF--which again may go smoothly or be fraught with challenges to be overcome. Each must try these things for themselves, deciding on the pros and cons.
Back to your original point, Lucee does not have a complete monitor like the cf server monitor (or newer pmt). Instead, those wanting monitoring for lucee relay on either its minimal built-in metrics display or a rather new github project that's evolving. Otherwise, like cf shops they can rely on third party tools like FusionReactor or SeeFusion, or jvm tools like mission control, jfr, and others.
I hear your frustration. You're not alone in expressing it. I'm just here to help how I can, especially presenting options and clarifying the facts as I know them, living in this troubleshooting space. I help people with these sort of things all day each day.
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While I think you should not be running CF2016 due to its end of life status, you could try as an alternative to the old flash server monitor.
Hope that helps, Carl.
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Hi Carl,
It's seems simple and useful it is, very thankful!
Thanks for the support.
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@ 71066140 Glad that works out for you.
@ Charlie - I am wondering do you think folks would be interested in a Meetup topic Monitoring CF, saying whats out there (PMT, FR, JMC etc) then doing a run thru on glowroot?
Regards, Carl.
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Sure. Do I sense you're offering to do it? I've proposed such a topic for intothebox and am waiting to hear back. If accepted, I'd then want do that on the meetup until after that (in Sept/Oct).
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Hi @Viridiana98A5 ,
Flash, Server Monitor and ColdFusion 2016 are either out or on their way out. In the months to come, more and more things will either break or be phased out. With continued impact on the service you provide. Of that you can be sure.
I made the following suggestion in a similar discussion on Flash, Server Monitor and ColdFusion 2016. Consider moving from ColdFusion 2016 to ColdFusion 2021. Especially if you provide a vital service.