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Aug 02, 2006 Aug 02, 2006

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Do you have to configure the Coldfusion server to use SMS or is it built it.
I am on a shared hosting service with Coldfusion and I am not sure if the
owner has config'd his server to use SMS (if it needs to). Is there a way to
test this? I am very interested in building SMS into my system but am just
begining to learn more about it.

Also, other than the live docs, anyone know a good source to learn more
about SMS & Coldfusion?

Wally Kolcz
Developer / Support

Event gateways






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New Here ,
Aug 03, 2006 Aug 03, 2006

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It all depends what you mean by built-in SMS. Because by default, there's an SMS gateway built in there, and it'll let you simulate sending sms messages and whatnot. But what you really need to do is get set up with an SMSC (like MBlox, SimpleWire, etc.. they're usually called SMS Gateways).. so once you get set up with an SMS gateway, they give you the connection details, then u have to set up a .CFG for your connection details and a CFC in order to accept incoming messages. Be careful getting into this stuff though.. I actually had to decompile the ColdFusion main jar file, extract the SMS gateway handling code already in there, and compile my own SMS gateway .jar file in order to comply with the different SMS gateways my company's dealt with so far. Get to know something called SMPP.. the standards site is smsforum.net, and the implementation of SMPP ColdFusion seems to support pretty much what the Logica SMPP java api spec does.. their site is : opensmpp.logica.com. Reason I say that is because the protocol used by CF MX for their sms gateway is SMPP.





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Jul 08, 2008 Jul 08, 2008

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IcedFusion, are you still monitoring this thread? If you know how to plug in extra parameters as requested by SMS providers, parameters with id's like "0x3010", there's a number of us that would sure like to hear from you on how to do it! I am using MX Telecom who say they're based on Logica's spec, but I don't know how to send in their extra parameters via Cold Fusion. Thanks! RLS





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Mar 19, 2023 Mar 19, 2023

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you would typically need to configure your ColdFusion server to use SMS. SMS (Short Message Service) is a communication protocol that allows you to send and receive text messages over mobile networks. In order to send SMS messages from your ColdFusion server, you would need to use an SMS gateway service that can interface with the mobile networks.

Most SMS gateway services provide APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) that you can use to integrate SMS functionality into your ColdFusion applications. You would typically need to obtain API keys or credentials from your chosen SMS gateway provider and configure your ColdFusion server to use these credentials to authenticate with the gateway service.

The exact steps for configuring your ColdFusion server to use SMS will depend on the specific SMS gateway service that you choose, as well as the version of ColdFusion that you are using. You may need to install additional software or libraries on your server, configure your firewall settings, or modify your ColdFusion application code to integrate with the SMS gateway API.

In general, it's a good idea to consult the documentation provided by your chosen SMS gateway provider for specific instructions on how to configure your ColdFusion server to use their service. You may also find online forums or communities where developers share tips and best practices for integrating

<a href="https://bombersms.com/">SMS</a>

functionality into their ColdFusion applications.





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