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Hi i have an value: 20191111153402
How can i convert it in an mysql DATETIME Format?
Anybody an idea?
Kindly Regards
<!--- Function to convert time-value of the form YYYYMMDDHHMMSS into a datetime --->
<cffunction name="convertTimeValueToDatetime" returntype="date"><!--- Alternative: returntype="string" --->
<!--- Input format: YYYYMMDDHHMMSS --->
<cfargument name="timeValue" required="true" type="string">
<!--- Extract the digits for year, month, day, hour, minute and second --->
<cfset var yr = left(arguments.timeValue, 4)>
<cfset var mnth = mid(arguments.timeValue,5,2)>
<cfset var day = m
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<!--- Function to convert time-value of the form YYYYMMDDHHMMSS into a datetime --->
<cffunction name="convertTimeValueToDatetime" returntype="date"><!--- Alternative: returntype="string" --->
<!--- Input format: YYYYMMDDHHMMSS --->
<cfargument name="timeValue" required="true" type="string">
<!--- Extract the digits for year, month, day, hour, minute and second --->
<cfset var yr = left(arguments.timeValue, 4)>
<cfset var mnth = mid(arguments.timeValue,5,2)>
<cfset var day = mid(arguments.timeValue,7,2)>
<cfset var hr = mid(arguments.timeValue,9,2)>
<cfset var min = mid(arguments.timeValue,11,2)>
<cfset var sec = right(arguments.timeValue,2)>
<!--- Basic validation. (Roll out your own! 🙂 --->
<cfset var isYearValid = yr gte 1000 and yr lte 2200>
<cfset var isMonthValid = mnth gte 1 and mnth lte 12>
<cfset var isDayValid = day gte 1 and day lte 31>
<cfset var isHourValid = hr gte 0 and hr lte 24>
<cfset var isMinuteValid = min gte 0 and min lte 59>
<cfset var isSecondValid = sec gte 0 and sec lte 59>
<cfif isYearValid and
isMonthValid and
isDayValid and
isHourValid and
isMinuteValid and
<cfreturn createDatetime(yr,mnth,day,hr,min,sec)><!--- Alternative: <cfreturn yr & "-" & mnth & "-" & day & " " & hr & ":" & min & ":" & sec> --->
<cfthrow message="Error: the input time-value is not valid.">
<cfset testValue = convertTimeValueToDatetime("20010121183359")>
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I have two UDFs, DateHash and DateUnhash, that converts dates & strings back and forth. (We use this function alot.)
It can also handle the following formats: