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Tasks in https on a SmartCard required server

Explorer ,
May 19, 2024 May 19, 2024

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We have a ColdFusion 2021 installation on Server 2022 that calls all of its scheduled tasks via http://localhost. Now that we have implemented SmartCard login for the server, and set the server to https only and Client Certificate required, the tasks of course will not run. Any call to the server, even from localhost, will now require an https connection and must provide a valid certificate. I don't beleive the scheduler can provide that, though we could issue a soft cert for it and have it available to the engine if needed. Do you know of any guidance on how to do that?

Alternatively we could run the tasks as Windows tasks, but it seems like the cfm files that contain the tasks scripts might need to be altered to run from the cf.bat in either cmd or powershell. It also looks like the cfms may need to be altered to run that way vice running in the browser. Do you know of any guidance for our developers on how to alter the cfm tasks to be run via cf.bat instead of via the browser?






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Explorer ,
May 19, 2024 May 19, 2024

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I spent enough time trying to find any way to edit the above post for clarity or maybe just delete it and start over. Apologies, but it seems the developers of this forum did not want it to be more than marginally functional. If the question is not clear, please let me know and I can provide a more clear explanation. Thanks.
The day is coming when we will move away from ColdFusion, and I will celebrate not having to use Adobe sites anymore!





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