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I have included the Pubnub-4.0.0.jar file into my webroot.
(Pubnub-4.0.0.jar can be downloaded here:
I am trying to get the “HERE NOW” java code into my coldfusion project and am having some trouble in doing so.
The java code is as follows:
PNConfiguration pnConfiguration = new PNConfiguration();
PubNub pubnub = new PubNub(pnConfiguration);
.channels(Arrays.asList("ch1", "ch2", "ch3")) // who is present on those channels?
.includeState(true) // include state with request (false by default)
.includeUUIDs(true) // if false, only shows occupancy count
.async(new PNCallback<PNHereNowResult>() {
public void onResponse(PNHereNowResult result, PNStatus status) {
My corresponding Coldfusion code is as follows:
<cfobject type="java" class="com.pubnub.api.PNConfiguration" name="objPNConfiguration" >
<cfset PNConfiguration = objPNConfiguration.init() >
<cfset PNConfiguration.setSubscribeKey("SubscribeKey") >
<cfobject type="java" class="com.pubnub.api.PubNub" name="objPubNub" >
<cfset pubnub = objPubNub.init(PNConfiguration) >
<cfset tmp = pubnub.hereNow({channels: "ch1"}) >
<cfdump var="#tmp#" >
I do not get any errors returned.
I feel the way in which I am calling the “hereNow” method is incorrect or the way in which I am trying to display the results is incorrect.
Can anyone provide any assistance with regards to this?
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You might be able to place a .jar file in webroot and get it to work, but I don't think it's a good idea.
The .jar files should all go into a specific folder, and a path to the class added in CFAdmin, then the service restarted. That should make the .jar available to CF. Then your CF code should work.
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Thanks for your reply.
I have taken your advice.
The result is the same.
The CF code is working I assume because I am not getting any errors.
The issue is that I'm not getting any output from my call.
I feel the issue is in my code conversion - java to coldfusion. (specifically the pubnub.herenow method call)
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If you're not seeing any error messages, but it's not being set (have you tried a CFDUMP of the object, itself?), then check the logs in CFAdmin.. one of them should have some indication of what is going on.
I'm not familiar with pubnub, nor do I use third-party Java classes, so I'm not much help in this area. And I hate to sound condescending, but even after 15 years, I still make some rookie mistakes, so I must ask. Did you restart the CF service after placing the .jar file in the proper folder and adding the path to the JVM class in CFAdmin?
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Yes, I completed the restart of the CF service.