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I am setting up a new site and getting this cryptic error message. 500 error
Element NAME is undefined in a Java object of type class coldfusion.runtime.StructBean. The specific sequence of files included or processed is:
I cant get any pages to run. It looks like the session vars aren't getting set. Any idea what this is? Maybe some server settings arent correct?
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I assume that the error message contains a document and line number indicating where the error is happening. Are you setting up a Bean for anything? Does the CFAdmin error log give any more information?
^ _ ^
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I am migrating this code from Railo ( I know!!) to CF2016.
Code worked in railo just fine. Cant get it to do the most basic thing on CF server.
I think this may be the problem code.
app = application.getApplicationSettings().name;
sessiontracker = createObject("java","coldfusion.runtime.SessionTracker");
sessionCollection = sessionTracker.getSessionCollection(app);
<cfloop collection="#sessionCollection#" item="sessionId">
<cfset thisSession = sessionCollection[sessionId]>
<cfif not StructIsEmpty(thisSession) and StructKeyExists(thisSession,"USER")>
<cfif thisSession.USER.ID eq #getUser.WEBUSER_ID#>
<cfset StructClear(thisSession)>
Is this CF2016 compliant or does CF need this to be rewritten?
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We're going to need more information than that. I have no idea what code is being run prior to receiving that error.
Dave Watts, Fig Leaf Software
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More info.
I am migrating this code from Railo ( I know!!) to CF2016.
Code worked in railo just fine. Cant get it to do the most basic thing on CF server.
I think this may be the problem code.
app = application.getApplicationSettings().name;
sessiontracker = createObject("java","coldfusion.runtime.SessionTracker");
sessionCollection = sessionTracker.getSessionCollection(app);
<cfloop collection="#sessionCollection#" item="sessionId">
<cfset thisSession = sessionCollection[sessionId]>
<cfif not StructIsEmpty(thisSession) and StructKeyExists(thisSession,"USER")>
<cfif thisSession.USER.ID eq #getUser.WEBUSER_ID#>
<cfset StructClear(thisSession)>
Is this CF2016 compliant or does CF need this to be rewritten?