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So now I have been able to get DeserializeJSON JSON data from a google API like this
Let me know if a larger picture of this will help.
From this code
<cfhttp url="">
<cfset cfData=DeserializeJSON(cfhttp.FileContent)>
The products parameter changes and will yield different results
I have never worked with JSON data before like this.
cfData is a struct. It contains a key-value pair. The key is called items, and it's value is an array.
Each array item is a struct. The keys in this struct are bucket, contentType, crc32c, etag, and so on. They constitute a standard, fixed set.
Now, on to your questions:
What CF code can I write to determine if I have any records from the API?
<cfif structCount(cfData) gt 0>
<!--- There are records from the API. However, the records might be empty.--->
What CF code can I write to get a rec
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Well, the good news is that it almost looks like the API is returning the JSON in a format that you might be able to convert it into a query object, which would make things much easier, coz then you could just valueList that ID column and get all the IDs that way.
But it's been a while since I coded anything for JSON. If you can't convert it to a query object, you might still be able to iterate the JSON object. I'm just not sure how.
^ _ ^
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cfData is a struct. It contains a key-value pair. The key is called items, and it's value is an array.
Each array item is a struct. The keys in this struct are bucket, contentType, crc32c, etag, and so on. They constitute a standard, fixed set.
Now, on to your questions:
What CF code can I write to determine if I have any records from the API?
<cfif structCount(cfData) gt 0>
<!--- There are records from the API. However, the records might be empty.--->
What CF code can I write to get a record count of the JSON results?
<cfif structCount(cfData) gt 0>
<!--- Recordcount is arrayLen(cfData.items)--->
<!--- Recordcount is 0--->
What CF code can I write to extract certain fields from the JSON structure?
<!--- crc32c value of first item --->
<!--- bucket value of third item --->
For example, I need to get the all the results from the id fields in a list.
<!--- all the id fields --->
<cfset IDarray=arrayNew(1)>
<cfloop from="1" to="#arrayLen(cfData.items)#" index="n">
<cfset IDarray[n]=cfData.items[n]["id"]>