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CFEclipse RDS issue

Feb 23, 2012 Feb 23, 2012

Hi, not sure if this is the right forum or not. I thought I had previously seen a cfeclipse specific forum, but couldn't find it now.

Anyway, I'm trying to work through some tutorials online and using the CF plugin for Eclipse 3.7 all works fine until I want to use the RDS Viewer. It's simply not available. I think the issue maybe that the tutorial is for eclipse europa, which is 3.3 I think and CF8. I have eclipse 3.7.1 Indigo and CF9 installed on my development environment. I;ve tried to find the current CF plugin for eclipse indigo with no luck. Does anyone know where I can find this if it's actually available?

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Feb 23, 2012 Feb 23, 2012

CFEclipse is not an Adobe product, so this ain't really the right place to ask question's beyond superficial ones, eg stuff we'd all encountered whilst using CFE during our development.

CFE's website is here: http://cfeclipse.org/.  The current downloads are clearly linked from there (indeed, just googling "cfeclipse" gives you the same).

On the other hand, you could give CFBuilder a go.  IMO it's moderately better than CFE. 

CFB 2.0.1 has just gone public beta, and it's an improvement over the release version of CFB 2.0 IMO.




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Feb 23, 2012 Feb 23, 2012

Adam, thanks for the response. I realize Eclipse is not an adobe product, but the CF plugin for Eclipse is an adobe product, at least according to the eclipse website and the fact that the plugins are supposedly now available for download here on Adobe's site.

Also per this post on cfeclipse site: http://groups.google.com/group/cfeclipse-users/browse_thread/thread/75b81afe3ef6f7e4/a3f1a3becc5846c...

I do have and use CF Builder 2(the trial version), but fowwling the tutorials on lynda.com that use Cfeclipse sometimes is not possible, since they seem to use tools specific only to cfeclipse. I've actually switched back and forth between cfbuilder and cfeclipse in the same series of tutorials, but have now come to an empass: hence this post.

I've searched all over cfeclipse.org for the right plugin download with no luck yet. Perhaps I'll keep trying.

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Advocate ,
Feb 23, 2012 Feb 23, 2012

ColdFusion Builder is an Adobe product, CFEclipse is not.

You can find the instructions to install the CFEclipse plugin into Eclipse here: http://trac.cfeclipse.org/wiki/InstallingCfeclipse

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Feb 23, 2012 Feb 23, 2012

12Robots wrote:

ColdFusion Builder is an Adobe product, CFEclipse is not.

You can find the instructions to install the CFEclipse plugin into Eclipse here: http://trac.cfeclipse.org/wiki/InstallingCfeclipse

Thanks, but again as I stated above, I have already installed CFEclipse and everything works fine. The above link I gave is from the cfeclipse help system and in it states that the PLUG-IN for CFEclipse is an adobe product. Here is the documentation for the CF8 Extension for Eclipse on Adobe. http://http://livedocs.adobe.com/coldfusion/8/htmldocs/help.html?content=othertechnologies_11.html

Again, it seems the pnly problem I'm having is that the RDS Viewer is not present in CFEclipse. Like I said, maybe because I'm using a newer version of CFEclipse, or a newer version of CF is causing the problem, but I'd like to find some explaination somewhere. Thanks again for any help.

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Feb 23, 2012 Feb 23, 2012

Adam, thanks for the response. I realize Eclipse is not an adobe product, but the CF plugin for Eclipse is an adobe product, at least according to the eclipse website and the fact that the plugins are supposedly now available for download here on Adobe's site.

Ah right, I'm with ya.  Yeah, that stuff is as old as the hills, so it does not surprise me if it dun't work on the later versions of Eclipse.  But I have not real idea one way or the other.

What is it that these tutorials are trying to teach you that requires the RDS view of CFEclipse running the CF8 Eclipse plug-in?  That sounds rather "niche"?

What is the end game you're trying to arrive at here?



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Feb 23, 2012 Feb 23, 2012

Well just like in Coldfusion Builder2, the RDS view allows you to connect to and see your database and tables and create standard tag based queries as well as ORM queries. It also allows you to run queries before inserting the actual SQL code into your template or cfc.

Obviously I could do the tutorials without this functionality, but being able to see your db and table structures real time is very helpful while coding queries. I do like CF builder much better than CFeclipse, but eclipse does have some things that the tutorial goes through that cf builder doesnt have, and its frustrating sometimes trying to follow along. Thats what I was switching back and forth between the two IDE's.

I'll keep looking. I actually still have CF8 on my desktop at work, so I think I'll try to install CFEclipse on that machine and see if the RDS functionality is there. Then I'll know it has something to do with CF9. Might even look for the version of CFeclipse the tutorial is using. 3.2 I think.

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