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ColdFusion 10 - Question about Solr schema settings in the Jetty multicore templates folder

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Sep 20, 2017 Sep 20, 2017

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I've recently been tasked with making some changes to one of our CFSEARCH functions (specifically, making it identify accented characters). Based on some unrelated work I've been doing with a standalone Solr setup, I figured out how to add filters to the schema.xml file in the collection folder so that those filters would be applied when I restarted Jetty. However, restarting Jetty rewrote my schema.xml file every time.

Eventually I discovered the /jetty/multicore/template/conf folder. When I changed the schema.xml file there and restarted Jetty, that wrote my changes into the schema.xml files in each of my collections. Great! Problem solved! However, my question now is whether or not there's a way to override the template folder so I can have a different schema.xml file for each collection. Currently, I don't need to do this. I only have two collections, and they both need the same filters. But in the event I ever need to customize a schema without affecting others, is there a way to do that?







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