eclipse and rds
Apr 25, 2006
Apr 25, 2006
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Has anyone tried the new RDS plugin for Eclipse? I have the
plugin installed and can navigate the filesystem and run queries. I
have not, however, found a "deploy" function in the plugin. The
deployment capability in Homesite using RDS is what I was hoping
would be duplicated with the ecliplse plugin. I have little need
for the other stuff, but being able to deploy files using RDS is a
"must have" before I can switch 100% to Eclipse. Does anyone know
if file deployment is possible with the current plugin?
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Apr 26, 2006
Apr 26, 2006
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Does anyone use Eclipse (CFEclipse)?
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Apr 26, 2006
Apr 26, 2006
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I do. Don't bother with RDS though, so can't there.
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Apr 27, 2006
Apr 27, 2006
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fillae wrote:
> Has anyone tried the new RDS plugin for Eclipse? I have the plugin installed
> and can navigate the filesystem and run queries. I have not, however, found a
> "deploy" function in the plugin. The deployment capability in Homesite using
> RDS is what I was hoping would be duplicated with the ecliplse plugin. I have
> little need for the other stuff, but being able to deploy files using RDS is a
> "must have" before I can switch 100% to Eclipse. Does anyone know if file
> deployment is possible with the current plugin?
I hope you're not saying you deploy to production servers over RDS! RDS
is great, but it's a big security risk to have it running on production
Matt Woodward
Adobe Community Expert - ColdFusion
> Has anyone tried the new RDS plugin for Eclipse? I have the plugin installed
> and can navigate the filesystem and run queries. I have not, however, found a
> "deploy" function in the plugin. The deployment capability in Homesite using
> RDS is what I was hoping would be duplicated with the ecliplse plugin. I have
> little need for the other stuff, but being able to deploy files using RDS is a
> "must have" before I can switch 100% to Eclipse. Does anyone know if file
> deployment is possible with the current plugin?
I hope you're not saying you deploy to production servers over RDS! RDS
is great, but it's a big security risk to have it running on production
Matt Woodward
Adobe Community Expert - ColdFusion
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Apr 27, 2006
Apr 27, 2006
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I hope you're not saying you deploy to production servers over RDS!
Yes, we use RDS to deploy to production. I think "big security risk" is a slight exageration. It is a mitigated risk in my circumstance. It is not cost effective to do "physical" updates based on the number of deployments that are made in a day.
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Apr 27, 2006
Apr 27, 2006
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fillae wrote:
> I hope you're not saying you deploy to production servers over RDS!
> Yes, we use RDS to deploy to production. I think "big security risk" is a
> slight exageration. It is a mitigated risk in my circumstance. It is not cost
> effective to do "physical" updates based on the number of deployments that are
> made in a day. Besides, RDS can be turned on and off remotely as needed.
Sure, everyone has their own process and as long as you understand the
risks (which I personally don't think can be overstated--access to the
file system over port 80 is a big deal in my mind), then use whatever
works for you. If you are aware of the risks and only turn it on when
it's being used then you're probably minimizing the possibilities of
anything bad happening.
I'd be curious to hear what you mean by "physical" updates. There are
of course numerous ways to do builds across multiple servers without
involving RDS.
Matt Woodward
Adobe Community Expert - ColdFusion
> I hope you're not saying you deploy to production servers over RDS!
> Yes, we use RDS to deploy to production. I think "big security risk" is a
> slight exageration. It is a mitigated risk in my circumstance. It is not cost
> effective to do "physical" updates based on the number of deployments that are
> made in a day. Besides, RDS can be turned on and off remotely as needed.
Sure, everyone has their own process and as long as you understand the
risks (which I personally don't think can be overstated--access to the
file system over port 80 is a big deal in my mind), then use whatever
works for you. If you are aware of the risks and only turn it on when
it's being used then you're probably minimizing the possibilities of
anything bad happening.
I'd be curious to hear what you mean by "physical" updates. There are
of course numerous ways to do builds across multiple servers without
involving RDS.
Matt Woodward
Adobe Community Expert - ColdFusion
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Apr 27, 2006
Apr 27, 2006
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By physical I mean copying files to a floppy or cd and
transferring them. Our production system is on a different network
than our development environment. RDS is a convenient
"cross-network" deployment tool.
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Apr 27, 2006
Apr 27, 2006
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fillae wrote:
> By physical I mean copying files to a floppy or cd and transferring them. Our
> production system is on a different network than our development environment.
> RDS is a convenient "cross-network" deployment tool.
Interesting--you may or may not have control over this, but there are
numerous other options (at the routing level, for example) rather than
just RDS or sneakernet for deploying from one network to another. Just
some additional thoughts. To me personally RDS shouldn't ever be run on
a production server, but it sounds like you're aware of the risks and
only run it when you need it.
Matt Woodward
Adobe Community Expert - ColdFusion
> By physical I mean copying files to a floppy or cd and transferring them. Our
> production system is on a different network than our development environment.
> RDS is a convenient "cross-network" deployment tool.
Interesting--you may or may not have control over this, but there are
numerous other options (at the routing level, for example) rather than
just RDS or sneakernet for deploying from one network to another. Just
some additional thoughts. To me personally RDS shouldn't ever be run on
a production server, but it sounds like you're aware of the risks and
only run it when you need it.
Matt Woodward
Adobe Community Expert - ColdFusion
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Jul 18, 2006
Jul 18, 2006
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there are numerous other options
Matt Woodward
Adobe Community Expert - ColdFusion
Can you plz share what are the options of deploying CF application i.e cfm files.. Right now we just move .cfm code to prodn. We use Dreamweaver, Sql 2000, Subversion for version control but we dont have automated roll out to prodn process... How can we automate it and also can it be done nightly basis... what abt ANT, can it be used for CF applications?? we are new to this so plz share your thoughts here...
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