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How to access Coldfusion2016 admin console from any of the server

New Here ,
Oct 11, 2019 Oct 11, 2019

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Currently I'm able to access CF2016 admin console on the server where its insatlled as per default url.

How can I access Coldfusion2016 admin console from any of the server. In whihc file I have to make the chnages.


Please prooovide your inputs.



Advanced techniques , Connector , Getting started , Security , Server administration






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Oct 11, 2019 Oct 11, 2019

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When you say "from any of the server[s]", do you really mean from another server in the same network? If so, you could use the same url, just changing the ip address to that of the cf server you want to admin. The port (typically 8500) may be open to other servers in the same network, or could be opened in your firewall. 
But if you mean you want to access the admin from OFF the network, you will likely find the port 8500 to be blocked, and may not want or be able to open the port. In that case you may wish to access the cf admin via your external web server, like iis or apache.
But since cf2016, Adobe disables that by default, for security reasons. You can force it, by taking two steps - - but then you should take additional steps to secure that access.
First up: the two steps to re-enable it:

  • you need to manually add a virtual directory/alias for "cfide" in your web server, pointing to the cfide folder in the cf wwwroot.
  • Then you have to edit cf's uriworkermap.properties file to remove its default block of "cfide". That file is in any numbered folder under cf's config/wsconfig folder, and you remove the block by removing the ! In front of cfide at the bottom of that file. Save the file and restart the web server for that change to take effect.


Finally, you then MUST take steps to secure that cf admin.

  • First, in the cf admin, go to the security>allowed ip addresses page, and in its SECOND field enter the ip addresses or ranges of what machines SHOULD be able to access this cf admin.
  • Second, you can and should put similar/additional securing of that cfide folder in the web server, adding limitations by ip address, requiring additional authentication, requiring ssl/tls, and so on.


There are many aspects of that above last step that are too deep to elaborate here, and this is one reason why Adobe decided to simply block access to the cf admin via external web servers by default, because people often would  not add such protections. 


I will add that I and others can help you set this up, on a consulting basis, via remote screenshare. To find such folks, see cf411.com/cftrouble.


Let us know how you go, or if somehow I misinterpreted your question. Even if so, perhaps the above may help other readers. (I will blog it also.)

/Charlie (troubleshooter, carehart.org)





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