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Enhancing Violet and Orange prints

New Here ,
Jan 18, 2016 Jan 18, 2016

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I hope you guys can help me out on this one. I have a new Roland RT640 Dye Sublimation printer which rums CMYK Lc Lm Orange and Violet. Although the standard prints do look more vivid with the 8 colour set up, I feel I should be able to enhance the images to bring out more of the Or and Vi inks. As I understand it, my Adobe software will currently be displaying my images using standard RGB profiles on my monitor which is not calibrated. That's fine. What I want to do is check the colour gamut using one of my printer icc profiles. So if I use a standard CMYK profile and the image doesn't trigger any gamut warnings, that is how it will print - all colours within gamut. I have a piece of artwork that has a lot of orange and violet/blue that would also show as 'in gamut'. What I'd like to do is apply a CMYK Lc Lm Or  Vi icc profile and increase the colours up until they are on the gamut limit. I hope that makes sense. It seems that even when we are printing with Or and Vi those inks are hardly being used. I want to enhance those colours. Would that be possible using an input profile going forward?







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Mentor ,
Jan 18, 2016 Jan 18, 2016

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Are you printing on fabrics?  Read the User Guide.  There may be some information related to .icc profiles.  Look over the options available in the driver.  It may take some experimenting to establish the workspace scenario that works best for your particular, closed-loop workflow.  I would look into RGB profiles in combination with media profiles in the printer.  I would use a test image and save a few copies under different RGB profiles and then print each one using different output profiles.  Not sure I would use CMYK based files.





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Advocate ,
Jan 19, 2016 Jan 19, 2016

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You'll need a so-called Multicolor profile. In ProfileMaker 5  profiling was

available for CMYK+6 arbitrary inks or for 10 inks even without CMYK.


Lc and Lm don't count as extra inks.

I think ProfileMaker is no more available, you may ask X-Rite.

However, the question is, whether Photoshop's Gamut Warning can handle Multicolor

profiles. I don't have respective experiences, but my ProfileMaker package is still working

perfectly. My inkjets (including an Epson inkjet) and toner printers are profiled as CMYK

printers (opposed to RGB printers).

Best regards --Gernot Hoffmann





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