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Pantone + Coated Library in Color Picker
For example, Panotne 354 has different RGB, HSB & # values on Macintosh A compared to Macintosh B for the same Pantone color in the same library.
Both have similar versions of Cloud Photoshop. (2017)
The Lab and CMYK numbers are identical, but the HSB & RGB & Hex values are not.
FYI- Photoshop color settings are identical (Adobe RGB Working space) too.
What the heck is going on?
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Different RGB working space?
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I doubt it...
"FYI- Photoshop color settings are identical (Adobe RGB Working space) too."
Something somewhere is different. I wonder if it would have anything to do with the OS ( operating system )? Would a monitor profile affect RGB reads?
I just setup a test using PMS 354 on a 1.) laptop OSX ( 61R, 172G, 76B ) and 2.) tower OSX ( 45R, 169G, 68B ) in PS with identical color settings. I would be interested in hearing an answer to the original question: What the heck is going on?
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Randy, what did you get for RGB numbers?
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Working space is one thing, but any open file in that color mode will override it. If you have an open sRGB file, that's the numbers readout you get.
Neither OS nor monitor profile will affect the color picker, except if it's used on a screenshot. Then you get monitor RGB numbers.
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The correct numbers for Pantone 354 are Red/Green/Blue: 60/173/76 & Lab 60/-77/40 HSB: 129/173/76
TODAY: They match! I am not sure what it is I could have done before. All I did was re-open Photoshop. I was working with someone remotely and he remarked how several of my spot color settings (in HSB color) were wrong. I checked with compared to a different laptop and they were incorrect.
Again, we both were using the Pantone + Solid Coated library with Adobe RGB Working Space.
Maybe sunspots? Geez. Jdanek, can you reproduce your problem or did my application temporarily corrupt?
Thanks all! I will keep an eye on this as I need accurate HSB numbers for my project.
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The correct numbers for Pantone 354 are Red/Green/Blue: 60/173/76 & Lab 60/-77/40
The Lab numbers given establish the RGB values as Adobe RGB.
This is how 60-173-76 looks in Adobe RGB and sRGB.
Note that this color, as defined in Adobe RGB, is out of sRGB gamut by quite a lot. Clipped to sRGB they look quite similar. Therefore I have embedded Adobe RGB in this screenshot, and only people with color managed browsers and a wide gamut monitor will see this correctly.
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"Geez. Jdanek, can you reproduce your problem or did my application temporarily corrupt?"...
I just ran the same laptop PS_CS3 test, basicly open PS > double click on the swatch > choose picker > 61R, 172G, 76B. Shows it is consistent. Not sure what you mean by "temporarily corrupt". But, my numbers for R and G are only one digit off. I can live with that.
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Many thanks to everybody commenting on this. Wish we could have had a concrete reason why this happened. As I mentioned, I am working in HSB and hopefully my library will stay correct. It is not an sRGB issue or library selection error.