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Working in Photoshop and using the Camera Raw Filter - with photos taken from the same iPhone 8 on the same day. One opens right away in the Camera Raw Filter, the other I get an error message that says "ICC Color Profile of this document is not compatible with the Camera Raw Filter."
They both have RGB 8 bit profiles.
My work around is I convert it to CMYK and back to RGB and then it works.
But it's just super annoying as I'm working with hundreds of photos....anyone else encounter this and why would it happen???
I was able to open one image without issue, not the other, and the embedded profile is one I've never seen! "Apple Wide Color Sharing Profile." Anyway, just use the Assign Profile command and select sRGB; the color appearance changes a tiny bit, but now you can use Adobe Camera Raw as a filter. Can you tell us more about how this image of the face was produced and how it might get this very odd profile?
Just googled and found the answer:
Have the first file open.
Open the Actions panel, and create a new action. Name it. Start recording, there's a button at the bottom of the panel, which lights up red.
Do whatever you need to do. In this case it's mainly Edit > Assign Profile. I'd still recommend you save the result out as a copy to a specified folder, which you can do here as the next step (there are other ways to handle this, but that's a different subject better suited for the Photoshop forum
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P.S. I'm working with latest version of Photoshop CC and latest version of Camera Raw Filter.
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They both have RGB 8 bit profiles.
That doesn't tell us about the color space; RGB is a color model.
What does Photoshop show as the RGB color space?
Can you upload one of these images to something like Dtopbox so we can examine this?
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I uploaded 2 sample images here:!AgolVopPuag7i75I4PgLR55wBwqa5w
And labelled which one I can open in Camera Raw Filter and which one I can't.
I looked in the Color Settings in Photoshop and they both look identical to me?
Thanks for replying!
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I was able to open one image without issue, not the other, and the embedded profile is one I've never seen! "Apple Wide Color Sharing Profile." Anyway, just use the Assign Profile command and select sRGB; the color appearance changes a tiny bit, but now you can use Adobe Camera Raw as a filter. Can you tell us more about how this image of the face was produced and how it might get this very odd profile?
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I have no idea! I have hundreds of photos from my client, all taken with his iPhone 8 in the last few months. Some of them have that profile and others do not. 🤷:female_sign:
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Is there a way to assign the sRGB profile on a batch of photos and not one at a time in Photoshop? Maybe in Bridge?
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Just googled and found the answer:
Have the first file open.
Open the Actions panel, and create a new action. Name it. Start recording, there's a button at the bottom of the panel, which lights up red.
Do whatever you need to do. In this case it's mainly Edit > Assign Profile. I'd still recommend you save the result out as a copy to a specified folder, which you can do here as the next step (there are other ways to handle this, but that's a different subject better suited for the Photoshop forum).
Close the original without saving. You don't want to overwrite your originals.
Stop recording.
Open Bridge, select the files you want. Tools > Photoshop > Batch. Pick your action and go.
Thanks for the help on the color profile!
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You can automatically convert on open in Photoshop based on your color settings but there are downside to such auto conversions.
Photoshop CC Color Settings and Assign/Convert to Profile video
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I can open both with Photoshop 24.1.1
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I can open both with Photoshop 24.1.1
By @Ton Frederiks
I can too, but only one using ACR as a filter, that's the issue.
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Sorry, missed that part. Converting seems indeed the best workaround.