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Adobe Connect 9 Training Course Video gets resized after being published from Captivate 6

New Here ,
Aug 06, 2013 Aug 06, 2013

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I have an FLV that I have published to Adobe Connect 9 from Adobe Captivate 6.

I have set the size of the video to the dimensions that best display the FLV with player controls.

However, when I publish to Adobe Connect 9, the video is resized to a smaller size and looks heavily pixelated.

Is there a way to keep the dimensions and quality without Adobe Connect 9 resizing it?

Here are the settings in Captivate 6:

screen 1.png

Here is the first screen for the preferences:


Here is the second screen in Preferences:

Preferences 2.png

Here is what it looks like when viewed from Captivate 6 in a web browser:


Here is what it looks like after it has been published and uploaded into the training in Adobe Acrobat 9:


If you notice in the image above the video is smaller and the CMS logo is very pixelated due to Adobe Connect 9 resizing it.

I am not sure how to keep the dimensions that I have from Captivate 6 and have it reflect after it has been published to Adobe Connect 9.

And is there more functionality that I am not able to access since I am using a 30-Day trial.

Thanks for taking the time to read and assist!







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