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Adobe connect web link in a breakout room

Sep 05, 2017 Sep 05, 2017

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My whole team is stumped by this so I'm reaching out into the wide Internet for answers.

The problem is we have teams divided into breakouts, and in each breakout we use a Web Links pod for a web page that can change from day to day. We had a recent change where we had to rebuild our rooms and since then every time a person opens the link with "browse to" it opens that page for everyone. None of us remember how we fixed this in the past.

I'm aware this is the intended function for presenters and hosts, so our fix is to manually demote everyone all the time (we have people coming in and out all day) which is a time drain.

The question (unless there's a 3rd option): is there a way to either make it so participants by default don't open the link for everyone when they launch it, or is there a way to make people who are moved into breakouts NOT automatically promoted to presenter?

If not, do we just need to get people using pop-up blockers? Would that solve it?







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Sep 06, 2017 Sep 06, 2017

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There is no way to change this functionality in Connect. Whenever a Participant joins a Breakout Room, they will be promoted to a Presenter. Whenever a Presenter (or Host) clicks on a link in the Weblinks pod, it will force all individuals in that room (or Breakout Room) to have that link opened in their web browser.

The solution? Don't use the Weblinks pod. In my experience there are very few scenarios where that pod is a useful tool. What I would do is use a Notes pod. Now, before you grab the torches and pitchforks, let me explain.

By default the Notes pod doesn't support active hyperlinks (you probably know this), but there is a trick to getting links in there. This does mean you'll have to do a bit of setup a head of time, but this isn't really that much more work than getting the Weblinks pod populated. OK, here we go:

  • Type/paste your links into the chat pod.
  • Copy the chat pod text (highlight it and Ctrl + C)
  • Paste the text in the Notes pod.
  • Remove the Chat pod 'stuff'. This would be your name and such.

Now you have hyperlinks in the notes pod and it will only open for the individual who clicks on the link. This Note pod instance can be used across the Breakout Rooms so you only have to update one pod if all Breakouts are going to use the same set of links.

Hope that helps.






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