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Breeze and Network Security

New Here ,
Sep 27, 2006 Sep 27, 2006

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While talking about Breeze and access from outside our network, my colleague and I started wondering whether we need to be concerned about what users can do once in a Breeze Meeting room. Does anyone have any experience or thoughts on this subject?

Do we need to worry about what files a Presenter might upload? Is it possible for any kind of malware (such as an infected .jpeg or such) to be uploaded and get outside of the Breeze environment? We suspect not, since Breeze needs to process the file first.

Are there other Breeze capabilities that might add a potential risk to our network?

Are there any unique concerns if a user were a Meeting host? Again, we don’t think so, but wanted to reach out to the Breeze community to gain from their knowledge.

Thanks for any of your thoughts.






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New Here ,
Sep 28, 2006 Sep 28, 2006

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One security issues might be the application sharing capabilities of Breeze.
Imagine someone sitting behind a firewall offering to share his application to someone outside!

Of course, I do know that the meeting host has full control on whom to offer application sharing - but at least the host has to be aware of the consequences of him doing so.





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Oct 04, 2006 Oct 04, 2006

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There are a lot of security issues, most of them related to the wonderfully powerful features of Breeze. In a meeting, you can share any file from your hard drive. Breeze does not screen the files for viruses. YOu can share your desktop, so you could reveal something on your computer that you shouldn't. You can take control of another user's machine and you could see something you shouldn't.

Also on the server side, Breeze communication server only supports SMTP for sending email notifications. This is an old standard which does not support validation, so if your email server allows your Breeze server to send messages, you could be vunerable to spoofing and then spam getting sent from your email server.





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