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Can the internet-connection of the host of the room influence the audio-quality of attendees?

New Here ,
Jan 31, 2020 Jan 31, 2020

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i am the attendee of a service that offers a few rooms via Adobe-Connect.

In all AC-rooms, except one, the audio-quality of my few co-attendees and myself is normal.

However, in that specific one room, the quality of a few attendees drops pretty much rock-bottom.


For example: The audio of one participant has constant packet-loss (so her voice-activation constantly switches to on->off->on->off), and three other ppl have massive background-noises.


My first thought was that the host of the room has some connection issues.

But s/he claims to have no connection-issues whatsoever.


So might this be a coincidence, or how can it be, that 4x ppl have no vc-problems in the other rooms of the server, and specifically this one room sends the vc-audio of some ppl to the abyss?


Could you offer me solutions to fix the problem on my side?


Thanks a bunch



Desktop application , Meetings






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Jan 31, 2020 Jan 31, 2020

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There are a lot of variables here. 

The host's connectivity will affect their audio quality. So if they have a bad connection then you may hear audio drops or quality shifts in their auido. However, everyone connected to the room has a dedicated connection to the server (called unicast) so one person's bad internet connection shouldn't negatively impact other users.

For the class where 4 people have isues, are they in the other classrooms? If they are, are they connecting from the same location for all the classes? For the one class they have issues with, is there anything else that could be impacting the bandwidth at their location (people on lunch watching videos, another large webinar that is at the same time, etc.)? 


It does sound to me like the issue lies with something that those four individuals have in common, since no other users in the room are impacted. 





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New Here ,
Feb 01, 2020 Feb 01, 2020

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thanks for your answer.

These 4 ppl have much better audio-quality in other rooms. They are connecting each from different locations (including the host).

Their audio-quality in other rooms isn't flawless, but in that one room in particular (with that one specific host) the audio-quality always drops significantly.


There is only 1x person in the room who isn't affected by this, the majority is affected.

Also the individuals who are affected, have no issues in other rooms (there are a half-dozen other rooms).


Is it possible that there are host-configurations for AC-rooms, that differ in each room?





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