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We upgraded to Adobe Connect 8 a few months ago. Some of our instructors had uploaded content in the previous version of Adobe Connect, but when we try to access the files now, they do not load into the share pod. We can see them in the content library, but the share pod does nothing when we click on the file. Other old files such as pdf or jpg files do load. If we upload new versions of the file, it works too.
If we click on the link to the URL within the contect library, the files open too, just not in the share pod. Do the instructors need to upload all of their PPT files into the content library all over again?
So, as I understand it you are trying to load powerpoint presentations previously uploaded or loaded into the content library when you were on Connect 7.5. Now you try to load those same files into Connect from the Content library?
Understand, that of those files or ANY files that contain AS2 then those files will corrupt the room youa re using until you reload the room.
It is recommended that you download those files from the content library onto your local disk, then open them up with Presenter
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I think you should log a case with Adobe for this. This shouldn't really happen. It a huge bug otherwise.
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The problem is this. Adobe Connect 7.5 is based on ActionScript2 and your content uploaded into Connect and converted to Flash automatically but using AS2. Connect 8 is AS3 based now and Adobe Presenter 7.07 and Adobe Captivate 5.5 as well. So, if you try to share content that was uploaded into Connect 7.5 it is using AS2 commands which will sometimes work in Connect but it wreaks havoc with Flash and ul;timately in your meeting any Flash content will not work or the content will not load.
The solution. Upload the content from your local disk into a Share Pod and it will be re-converted using AS3 this time. This would apply to Powerpoint and PDF files.
All old content has to be reloaded so it is converted using AS3.
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@Heyward, I understand the issues while Connect (AS3) tries to load an old published presentation (AS2). But, the presentation should still start loading. There should at least be a "Adobe Presenter" loading screen (well I konw even that fails at times...but definitely not 100%). So, I think that the real issue is not to do with complexities around AS2-AS3 interation.
May be @lonamorish can describe more symptoms to diagnose things further.
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I would suggest that the latest Host Add-in be installed. These were updated a few weeks ago and may be an answer.
They are here:
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I will give that a try and get back to you.
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Thanks for bringing this up. Absolutely nothing happens when we try to upload the content. The share pod sits there as though we had done nothing. So it doesn't look like it is failing to load; it looks like it hasn't even heard the command.
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Sounds very strange.
Suggest that Adobe Flash Player be removed, browser cache deleted, reboot, reinstall latest Flash Player. 10.3 is the latest with 11 coming really soon.
See if that helps. Othewrwise, you may need to call into Support and have them take a look.
Also, this same happens with other browsers? Try Google Chrome and FireFox or Safari.....see if they all behave the same.
Might be a permissions issue on the PC.
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Thanks for the suggestions, Heyward.
Unfortunately, it still isn't working. I don't think it is a permissions issue because other files in the same content folder do work. It also is not an individual PC issue because it does the same thing on two different PCs and in two different meeting rooms with different content libraries. .
I have asked the instructors to just upload their documents again, but they are not too happy about that. So I will contact Support.
Thanks once again.
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So, as I understand it you are trying to load powerpoint presentations previously uploaded or loaded into the content library when you were on Connect 7.5. Now you try to load those same files into Connect from the Content library?
Understand, that of those files or ANY files that contain AS2 then those files will corrupt the room youa re using until you reload the room.
It is recommended that you download those files from the content library onto your local disk, then open them up with Presenter or Captivate and save them (if they were Presenter or Captivate before). If not, then re-upload them from your local disk. This will cause them to be converted.
Loading AS2 content in Connect 8 will sometimes load but at that point they have corrupted the Flash instance and you will see strnage behaviours like this.
You need to re-load all your old presentations this way to make sure they are converted to AS3 based powerpoint/flash files.
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That is correct. When we upload new files or reload the old files, they work, so the issue must be related to the AS2 content. The instructors were not pleased to have to reload their content, but I suppose it can't be helped.
Again, thanks so much for your help.
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That is correct. Any previous content that was previously loaded in the content library that was created from AS2 scripts (Presenter 7.06 or previous, Captivate 5 or previous, or Connect 7.5 or previous) then those files will cause instability with Connect 8 or higher versions.
Presenter 7.07 and Captivate 5.5 were released all based on AS3 to coordinate with the release of Connect 8.1.2 which is all AS3 based.
Old content needs to be re-uploaded from either Captivate 5/5.5, Presenter 7.07 into Connect 8.1.2 so it can be converted to AS3 as it uploads.
If you load AS2 based content in Connect 8 it may or may not load but at that point it affects the underlying Flash instance and later on you will see black boxes or room corruption.
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I know I'm jumping into an old thread here ...
I haven't seen this problem discussed since late 2011. Is AS2 content still a problem in Connect 8.2 meetings? And how about recordings created in Connect 7.5 and earlier, but played back by a Connect 8.2 server? Will AS2 content play back correctly in recordings?
We have hundreds, perhaps thousands of recordings created in the old system, using presentations created with Presenter 7.0.6 and prior.
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AS2 content should play correctly in recordings from Connect 7.5.
All of my recordings from before the switch to Connect 8 play back as Connect 7.5 and older.