I have a need to import Adobe files in to Wordperfect X3.
Some files import just fine as images and others want to be
imported as text into the document. I would much prefer that these
images come into the document as images and not text.
The nature of the project requires that the images appear to
be identical to what the PDF file looks like and the PDF files that
are being imported as images are successful in doing that. Where as
the PDF files that WPX3 imports as text, contain wide variations in
formatting and layout and the text is editable. None of which is
acceptable for what I need to accomplish.
I suspect that the PDF files that are being imported as text
have OCR characteristics while the PDF files that are being
imported as images do not. But I don't know and I don't know how to
find out. So I have two questions. First, is there a way to
determine which PDF files have OCR characteristics and which ones
do not? Second is there a way to remove the OCR characteristics
from a PDF file, whether through conversion and creation of a new
PDF file or otherwise? I am using Adobe 6.0 that came with my
scanner. This seems to be the full version of Adobe Acrobat and is
definitely not Adobe Reader. The Help said something about clicking
on "Settings" but I did not see any button or tool bar item called