The best answer is kind of and no.
As a participant, no there is no way to change the location
or size of the pods. If you grant the participant enhanced
participant rights, then they can make the pod that they have been
given permission to take up the screen (full pod mode). They cannot
relocate the pods. The permissions given to the pods in enhanced
participant rights are presenter level permissions.
As an important note, if you give the participants rights to
a pod and they change it to full pod mode, then it makes that
change for everyone in the room.
The pod where you have some flexibility is the share pod,
where you can, in the drop down menu for Full Screen, give the
participants a full screen option. By doing this they can make the
share pod full screen as needed (when something is being shared in
the share pod) for themselves.
Moving and resizing pods is a function of the Host level of