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Connect Pro problems - publishing from Captivate 4

Engaged ,
Nov 30, 2009 Nov 30, 2009

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I recently spent a VERY frustrating hour with Connect Pro support, only to learn two potentially huge problems that may prevent me from achieving my goals.

I hope someone in this forum can alleviate my fears and set the record straight with a workable solution. I really think the person I was speaking with either did not fully understand Captivate 4 and Connect Pro, or did not fully comprehend what I needed.

Starting with the simplest problem first....

How do I make PDF jobaids, links in a Captivate 4 lesson work when published to Connect Pro?

I have created lessons that have jobaids which are PDF files the student can open (in a separate browser window). This method works when I publish the lesson to a folder on my computer. The problem is that there does seem to be a way to publish to Connect Pro and still have these jobaid links work.

I have even published to a local folder, placed all the jobaids (PDF files) in the root of this folder, zipped this folder and uploaded the contents (the zip file) to Connect Pro. When I click on the jobaid button, I get the message:

Not Found
The selected resource does not exist.

For further assistance, please check out the Connect Pro support center or  contact Connect Pro support.

NOTE: These jobaids need to be published with the lessons. It is not desirable to publish them on another server.

Next problem (related somewhat):

Widget will not work when lesson is uploaded to Connect Pro

1. In order to circumvent the embedded animation bug in Captivate 4, I purchased Michael's loader widget. (http://www.cpguru.com/2009/11/17/as2-loader-widget-for-adobe-captivate-4/comment -page-1/#comment-92...

The good: It works! It solves the animation bug (where animations do not play completely) when played from my local hard drive.

The bad: The widget does not work when the project is published on Connect Pro. The widget requires that the animation be located in the same folder as the project. It's not entirely clear how to accomplish this on Connect Pro. Perhaps the Widget needs to allow for a URL location? Again, I also tried uploading the content as a zip file. This did not make any difference!

2. I called Connect Pro (CP) support and was told the following:

a) CP is designed to work with single .swf files only;

b) CP is not a true LMS (I now know this to be partially true but hopefully not to the extent that I cannot use it for what I require??);

c) CP should allow a system where students can log in and access a self-paced course curriculum, see their scores, their lessons they studied, what lessons they need to complete, allow a teacher or manager to see the scores of each student, etc..... is not what Connect Pro was designed to offer? The tech said "No". Moreover, the support tech continued, CP was designed for meetings and teacher driven live training.

Are you kidding me? That is not what I understood and I am certain this person is incorrect.

Please enlighten me...

If Connect Pro is the WRONG application to accomplish my goals of an elearning curriculum, someone please tell me what I need.

Thank you so much!






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Engaged ,
Dec 01, 2009 Dec 01, 2009

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To simplify my request for help... I need to solve the following:

1. I need the ability to attach PDF files to a lesson. The student clicks the link (must be hosted on Connect Pro), and the PDF opens in another window.

2. Embedded videos (in Captivate 4) need to play properly...


    The widget I had purchased must allow embedded videos to play.

If Adobe Connect Pro is not the correct tool, can someone recommend another hosted LMS site?





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Contributor ,
Aug 10, 2010 Aug 10, 2010

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not sur eif you stil need help with this as your post is quite old but the way I get around this is like this:

- First upload the .PDFs as separate contents direct to Connect Pro and obtain the URLs for each

- Then paste them URls into the Captivate file where you wish the learner to click to download and have them set to open a new window.

- Publish the Captivate file direct to Connect Pro using the 'publish to Adobe Connect' functionality.

Now your learners will be able to open linked PDFs and if you ever need to update any of the PDFs simply re-upload that individual PDF to the location folder on the connect pro server keeping the same URL, removing the need to have to re-publish the Captivate course as a whole.

Hope this helps.






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Contributor ,
Aug 10, 2010 Aug 10, 2010

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shawninvancouver wrote:

To simplify my request for help... I need to solve the following:

1. I need the ability to attach PDF files to a lesson. The student clicks the link (must be hosted on Connect Pro), and the PDF opens in another window.

2. Embedded videos (in Captivate 4) need to play properly...


    The widget I had purchased must allow embedded videos to play.

If Adobe Connect Pro is not the correct tool, can someone recommend another hosted LMS site?

Re point 2 - I use CP4 with embedded video no problem on Connect Pro. You must however ensure that the video is correctly encoded to .FLV format beforehand.

Be sure to apply these settings for online delivery:

Codec: ON2VP6 for delivery to Flash Player 8/9/10, or SORENSONSPARK for earlier Flash player 6/7

Frame Rate: 15 FPS

Data Rate: 250 Kbps (max 275)

Audio: 48 Kbps Mono

Size: 320x240 for web advisable

Use pause project until video ends in the settings within Captivate.






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New Here ,
Aug 09, 2010 Aug 09, 2010

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I had the same problem after updating from Captivate 3 to Captivate 5, even though I am not using a jobaid.

I solved the problem by publishing locally as a zipped file, then uploading the zipped file as content to the server.  The presentation is now available.





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