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Hi, strange one here - I have a new build Win 10 Pro build I am using for work, it has Thinscale running, and Adobe Connect, I have multiple PC's connected via Gbit Network and Wirelessly. I can log into Thinscale fine, and then onto Connect, however it (seems) that every time the presenter actually does anything, like put up a slide, or such, everything else on the Network loses Internet connectivity. My Work PC is connected, and working fine, however all the other connections can only get as far as the Router (and see it is connected to the internet - but that's as far as they can get.there is still connectivity on the internal network, and I cancopy files between machies etc but not to the outside world. This doesn't seem to be a Windows issue as my Smart TV, and Alexa units are all affected too.
Any thoughts/suggestions would be appreciated
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It could be Thinscale blocking network traffic to/from Connect. Adobe Connect and VPNs have always struggled to work together. I would suggest trying to shut down Thinscale when this happens and see if the internet access is restored. Using Connect shouldn't require the use of a VPN unless it is an on-premise solution hosted within the corporate network.
However, that is just a shot in the dark and this may require having a deeper look at what is blocking access ot the internet.
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Hi Jorma,
thanks for the input, however just shutting down Thinscale doesn't resolve the issue, and I have to restart the Router, and the other PC's on the network for them to reconnect.