Peanut Farmer:
Here is a good TechNote on this topic:
In terms of file size, typically rich multimedia file types
like audio
and video will consume the most disk space.
Archived meetings with linked content (especially multimedia
like those listed above) or VoIP or webcam streams could also
in high disk usage.
If you still need assistance after reviewing the content
TechNote above, please contact our Breeze Accounts team. They
can help
you determine specific usage for your account and help make
Jeff Von Ward
Breeze Product Support Manager
Adobe Systems, Inc.
On Wed, 12 Jul 2006 19:22:13 +0000 (UTC), "Peanut Farmer"
<> wrote:
>My company recently started using Breeze. Within a month,
we've exceeded our 1
>GB of drive space. After requiring presenters to delete
multiple copies of
>files and any extra rooms, we are still near capacity.
> Beyond uploaded files, is there another reason we've
used up so much space? Do
>multiple share pods take up space? Does the use of a web
came increase the
>space used? What could be causing us to have over 900 MB
of used space?
> With my adminstartor rights, I can only see uploaded
content. I wish there
>was a way to tell which users had the most content in
their rooms.
> Any help will be appreciated.
> Thanks.