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I downloaded Connect in order to view a webinar for work. But after downloading and attempting to relaunch the webinar, I still get the original message saying I need to download Connect. But I did! I already downloaded and installed it! It said "Installation complete" and everything! Why won't it work? Just to be sure, I've gone through the same download and installation process a dozen times, with the same result. I even restarted Safari, to no avail. What gives?
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Adobe Connect shouldn't require you to install anything to join a webinar. You just be able to go to a link that looks similar to h ttp:// This should result in a page where you can enter your name and join as a guest or use a user name and password (should you have one) and enter the room.
The room should launch in a tab in your web browser using the Flash Player you have installed. If you don't have Flash installed then you would be prompted to install the Add-in, which will launch the meeting in a stand alone window. This is the only case where you would be prompted to install something for Connect.
Can you clarify what you were being prompted to install? Were you going to a page other than a webinar entry page?
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Looks like this may have been the issue. Update your version of Flash Player and it should work.