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Hi All,
We have a hosted account that we've been successfully using for years for e-learning purposes.
Now the marketing department is asking us if it'd be possible to embed a live presentation on one of our websites for some big event...
I've tried "caging" the adobeconnect url in an iframe even using some of the new html5 tags, with different degrees of success but nothing seems to work 100%.
If I use a plain iframe, adobeconnect pops out of the frame and the location bar shows our adobeconnect account's URL.
If I use the iframe with the "sandbox=allow-forms" connect stays in the frame, but authentication seems to stop working... etc, etc...
I havent been able to find the right combination of tags/commands/scripts or whatever, that allows me to use our hosted connect account to make a presentation on our website.
Has anyone done this? is if possible to do?
Any and all help will be appreciated,
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I am not sure whether this will be work but you can give it a shot.
Connect meeting room is a .swf file which can be launched by passing some launch parameters.
Try opening meeting by passing following parameters in URL https://<yourmeetingurl>?launcher=false&mode=xml You will see a different frame in the bottom of the screen. Copy value of swfUrl tag. It is URL encoded, decode it. Now launch your swf in a iframe, passing this swfurl.
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Hi Ghick
I've tried your sugestion, but doesnt seem to work, not sure if I missing some obscure parameter or simply not doing it right but does not work.
Seems to me that this would be something that lots of adobe customers could make use of, I'm not sure why adobe makes its platform jump out of an iframe to make sure adobeconnect's url is displayed instead of the (paying) customers own URL...
Thanks for your sugestion though! (and sorry for the rant!)