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Hey guys!
I'm trying to insert some users into a connect room using the API. But I can't do this using HTTPService of Adobe Flex, just using the HTTPRequest, that opens a new browser window and then the Add-In, if installed on the user machine.
This is the only way to do this? I believe that Connect needs the browser to send the data to the Connect server and allow the user to enter the room...
Another doubt that I have... When I have a meeting opened at the machine and try to open another windows of the meeting using the API url using another username, I can't enter the room with the name I choosed now... I have the name of the first user duplicated... Is that because the cookie session?
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Since I'm not a developer, I'll have to let someone else answer the Flex question... As a side note, you can put '?launcher=false" after the room URL and it will not open the room in the add-in.
I believe your assumption is correct that the browswer needs to communicate with the Connect server to esablish the meeting room.
As to your user id issue, yes it is due to the cookie session. Your browser holds onto that incse you lose conectivity or need to re-launch the room for any reason. If you want a different name, you can either change your name in the room (in the Attendee Pod Options Menu) or use a diferent browser to re-launch the room.
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Thank you, Jorma@RealEyes!
You helped me a lot... I was thinking that I was doing something wrong.
Now I just need to discover the Flex side... But with what you said, I believe it's right... I'll need to call the browser, not just the URL from inside an application.
Thanks again!
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If you want to have a guest join a meeting without having to specify the guest name, this call does the trick (as long as you define the guest name in the call)
Also have a look here:
If you want a user with userid / passwd to join, you could run this call to first login to the account, then launch the meeting.
...should work, but is more than one call.
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Hi Kay!
I've tried this already... It works fine to the first user. But if I try to make the call to a second user (guest or userid) it doesn't work. The first user is duplicated...
But thanks for your sugestion.
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Yes, after login you have a valid session open. You'd have to clear it.
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Hello Everyone I am guest. How I can get in to the meeting room please?