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Exporting Breeze Templates

New Here ,
Jun 28, 2006 Jun 28, 2006

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Hi all,

I'm trying to create a custom template f(for publishing)or my company. I would like to be able to export the template so I can send it to others in my company, but I am not able to find the file to send. Please help.







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Explorer ,
Jun 28, 2006 Jun 28, 2006

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I assume you've published and tested your template, along with all of the Breeze settings to make sure it's what you want. If you notice, there's a *.ppc file in the same directory with your *.ppt file. Send both files to your content developers, with instructions that they need to keep both files int he same directory.

The template and settings will be there for them.





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New Here ,
Jun 28, 2006 Jun 28, 2006

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I'm referring to the theme for the Breeze, not the entire presentation itself. You can create a custom theme when you publish it and I want to export that file so that everyone has the same settings when they create their own presentation. I want to be able to send them the .xml file so they can put it in the directory and it will show up as a theme in the dropdown menu to choose from. Otherwise, each person will have to enter in the specific settings every time.





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Explorer ,
Jun 28, 2006 Jun 28, 2006

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Yes, that's correct. What I told you will move over publishing settings, specific presenters for slides... pretty much everything EXCEPT for the option to control Flash content on specific slides with the Breeze timeline (that you have to do after you add the SWF to the slide).

You do not have to give someone the xml file. Just make sure you include the ppc file with the presentation...

I assume you are talking about creating breeze presentation templates. If you're talkijng about Breeze meeting, try this link for more info:






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New Here ,
Jun 28, 2006 Jun 28, 2006

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I know that all of the settings I set will export with my Breeze presentation, I'm not worried about sending someone my entire Breeze presentation - I can do that. I think I meant to say "theme" instead of "template" in my original message. Everybody in my work group is working on a specific project and I'm creating a custom theme for them. I need to have everyone in my work group have the same theme. Instead of creating a style sheet or a list of options to select when creating a custom theme, I want there to be a custom theme that I created and exported to everyone in the group so when they choose the theme for publishing, they will all have the same custom theme. So far I know I can create a custom theme on my computer and it saves somewhere and when I reopen Breeze it's still there. However, I want other people to have access to that theme so when they create a Breeze, they can select that same theme that I custom created on my computer. I'm not sure if that makes sense...





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Explorer ,
Jun 28, 2006 Jun 28, 2006

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once another developer uses the theme, it stays on his/her computer. try it. I have not gone digging for the configuration files to do this another way because this way was so fast, intuitive for non-technical people to share Breeze slide (presenter) and presentation themes (not powerpoint).\

I'd have to dig to see which configuration files to have to give to each person, as well as which directories the assets (images) need to reside as well.





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Community Beginner ,
Oct 25, 2006 Oct 25, 2006

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Ok, I just figured this out. Here's how you do it.

Create your theme as you want it. Then publish your presentation. In the folder you published to there is a data folder. Within that folder there is a file called vconfig.xml. Copy that file.

Now, in the Breeze installation folder you will find a Themes folder. Create a new folder there with the name of your theme. The name of the folder is how the theme will show up in your theme select list in Breeze. Once the folder is created, create a Data folder within it and paste the vconfig.xml file there.

Restart Powerpoint if it is already open. Go to your Theme selection list and you will see the new theme there waiting for you.

If you need to make changes to the theme you will need to go through the process of publishing again and copying the vconfig.xml file over the one in the Breeze themes folder.






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