I know that all of the settings I set will export with my
Breeze presentation, I'm not worried about sending someone my
entire Breeze presentation - I can do that. I think I meant to say
"theme" instead of "template" in my original message. Everybody in
my work group is working on a specific project and I'm creating a
custom theme for them. I need to have everyone in my work group
have the same theme. Instead of creating a style sheet or a list of
options to select when creating a custom theme, I want there to be
a custom theme that I created and exported to everyone in the group
so when they choose the theme for publishing, they will all have
the same custom theme. So far I know I can create a custom theme on
my computer and it saves somewhere and when I reopen Breeze it's
still there. However, I want other people to have access to that
theme so when they create a Breeze, they can select that same theme
that I custom created on my computer. I'm not sure if that makes