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Grabaciones de Adobe Connect

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Jan 20, 2020 Jan 20, 2020

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Good Morning. I am part of an educational entity that uses Adobe Connect to offer its virtual classes. I have a concern and I appreciate that you can help me. If we cancel the account, what happens to the recordings of the classes stored on their servers? Will they still be available even after canceling the service and if not, what time do we have to download the recordings? It's very important. Thank you very much, I remain attentive.


Buenos días.

Hago parte de una entidad educativa que utiliza Adobe Connect para ofrecer sus clases virtuales.

Tengo una inquietud y agradezco que me puedan ayudar.

¿Si nosotros cancelamos la cuenta, que pasa con las grabaciones de las clases almacenadas en sus servidores? ¿Seguirán estando disponibles aun después de cancelar el servicio y si no es así, que tiempo tenemos para descargar las grabaciones?

Es de gran importancia.

Muchas gracias, quedo atento.








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Jan 21, 2020 Jan 21, 2020

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If you choose to not continue the subscription to your account, then access to the recordings, along with everything else, will be turned off.

As to timelines for getting offline versions of the recordings, that would be as long as your account is active. This is somthing to consider, and may require you to purchase additional time if this can't be done before your expiration. 

Another alternative would be to use a service like the MP4 conversion service we have at CoSo, https://www.cosocloud.com/applications/adobe-connect/mp4-conversion-management. There is a cost that comes with this, but the MP4s can be made in a matter of days or weeks, rather than months, if you have a lot of recordings. I'm happy to discuss this offline if you would like. Just send me a private message if you are interested.





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