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Is there a way to create a grooming or retention policy for recordings on Adobe Connect? Say we did not want recordings to be stored for more than 3 years or something like that. I have poked around the administration area but so far I can't even seem to find a list of all recordings on the server, let alone way to manage them.
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Don't know if this will help anyone, but I did find a complete list of all content on the server by going to Administration->Disk Usage. You can change how many records are showing by editing the url and sorting on size. Still nothing close to a grooming policy but it is something.
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You can also go to the Downloadable Reports in the Admin section and get a CSV of all assets on the server. you can then sort by type, date created, number of references, etc. It's good info to have.
Connect doesn't have a grooming policy, unfortunately.
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I downloaded that report and had excel filter on the 'type' column but the only values it has are 1023, 1024, folder, meeting and Blanks. If I set that to only include blanks and then the date-created and date-end to not blank I get a list of 10 or so items, 6 of which are recordings. Not sure why this wouldn't label recordings with a recording type (maybe it does on 8.0?).