I'm very disappointed in the quality of the audio in your system. I set up an account for a client in Israel in November and we had lots of trouble with the audio but I was told that Adobe was resolving the issue. To ensure the problem wasn't on his end, we upgraded his internet service to 40 MB and he bought a brand new computer with 8 GB RAM and a fast processor.
Hoping that by now your bandwidth issues were resolved, I tried this again for my employer yesterday - we had a meeting scheduled with a large UK client and so I quickly created a trial account and invested time setting up the layouts and had a co-worker who is in another location in Israel test it with me. He had trouble hearing me - said my voice faded in and out and when he was able to hear me the sound was "tinny". I shut down everything - computer and internet - and brought it all back up again 5 minutes later. The second test was just as bad. He thought it might be my microphone, so I shut down Adobe Connect and ran a Google Hangout meeting with him and then 3 other people - every one of them heard me quite clearly.
I ended up switching to Join.me and using FreeConferenceCall.com to run the meeting yesterday.
I would really like to be able to use Adobe Connect for my employer's web meeting needs, but my boss said to me "
What is the matter with Adobe? If we can’t trust their service then who can we trust?"
So my question at this point is, do you have an Israeli or at least English speaking European service center that is interested in resolving this problem for Adobe customers in Israel or should we seek a different solution provider?