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How do I turn off the custom index on an Adobe Connect 9 recording so that no one sees it when they view a recording? Can it be set to default to hide the index or turn it off? Or is there a setting I can go in and set before I make the recording public and give the url out to people?
There are basically two ways to control the event index state (open / closed)
1) The state of event index is rememebered for an account on the local system. So if a logged in user close the event index on one recording, Connect will remember user's preference and would keep the event index closed for other recordings that the user views on the same account. But this is an end user preference.
2) The host can also control the way they want the recording to be viewed by the end users. This can be do
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There are basically two ways to control the event index state (open / closed)
1) The state of event index is rememebered for an account on the local system. So if a logged in user close the event index on one recording, Connect will remember user's preference and would keep the event index closed for other recordings that the user views on the same account. But this is an end user preference.
2) The host can also control the way they want the recording to be viewed by the end users. This can be done by suffixing parameters to the recording link and this overrides the end user stored preference. The parameters being:
So by default your recording url will look like this:
So if you want the event index to be closed for this recording, just append parameter 'pbEIOpen=false' in your recording link. The recording url will look like this:
Hope this helps.