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I have uploaded some of my ppt files and graphics are missing and text is reversed in others.
I have slides missing graphics. One is a picture in another its a line graph
Text within text boxes that are reversed but other slides created and formated the same way are fine
I am confused has anyone else seen this before??
I have now found a entire slide deck that is missing the heading including a color bar the heading should be on
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Are you using Connect 8?
Are you using Powerpoint PPTX format?
Did you use Adobe Presenter plugin for Powerpoint to create/edit the presentation?
When you upload Powerpoint in an Adobe Connect room the server converts the PPT file on the fly to Flash so the presentation can be streamed to attendees. Sometimes the conversion is not perfect depending on fonts used, graphics placed, etc. You have options:
1. Save the Powerpoint to PPT format and try uploading. You will see better results.
2. Use standard fonts
3. You always have the option of using Share Screen instead of Share Document. This option then shares the screen and does not convert the file. Screen sharing uses more network bandwidth but it does allow your original slides to look exact.