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We've uploaded 720p mp4 videos to our shared content. When playing back via a Share Pod, the video stutters. In the playback bar I can see that the caching cannot stay ahead of the playback.
Is there a way to optimize?
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I find that a 480P video at 600-800 kbps works fine. Chances are the Share pod with the video in it isn't larger than a 720 X 480 box anyhow. The additional file size and bit rate just increases bandwidth demand.
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Hi there,
I think this will solve your problem:
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@Jorma_at_CoSo, @LightbulbJo,
Thanks to both of you for your quick answers!
For the record, 480P for widescreen is 854x480. Using info found at Best practices | Uploading files, I set the bit rate to 500kbps [0.5Mbps]. I'm not in love with the quality at that bitrate, but it will do and the caching stayed ahead of the playback (not by much, but perhaps that is by design). Note also that in the upper right menu of the share pod is a "Limit Video Scaling" switch to prevent the video from scaling larger than its native resolution (so it won't become too pixelated).
Thanks again for your quick and helpful responses. Now off to reformat an re-upload 16 videos...