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As mentioned in the title, when I put my Attendees pod in teh Host and Presenter area and change to a different layout, when I go back to the previous layout, the attendees pod is not there anymore.
What can I do to have it there and not disappear ?
Thank you
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Is the Attendee pod in the main layout that everyone can see? If so, shifting back to a layout where it was in the Host and Presenter area, will just cause it to hide. This is because the Host and Presenter area is not layout specific, so Connect doesn't hold pods in that area between layouts. So, you'd need to have the Attendee pod only in the Host and Presenter area across all layouts or in the main stage across all layouts. Anything in between may cause you to need to pull it into the Host and Presenter area from time to time.
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It doesn't do that for me. In one layout, where I use breakout rooms, I have to show the attendee pod to everyone because since the recent update, I can not scroll across the host/presenter area once a breakout room is started - the bottom scroll bar disappears. But my attendee pod stays in the host/presenter area in other layouts.