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I hae a Logitech C910 HD camera that works in every environment on which I've tried it, save for Adobe Connect on a Mac. I have the current version of FLash and Connect installed.
The Flash settings panel recognises the camera as a possible audio source, but not as a video source.
Has anyone else experienced this, and does anyone have a remedy? The problem, as I understand it, is not with the camera, since it works well with other video applications. The problem seems to be the interface between the camera and Flash, since I cannot get it to show up in any Flash context in which I've tried it.
Any leads?
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I have the same camera and use it all the time with Adobe Connect.
On the Mac, make sure no other application is using the app. Sometimes the iChat app or Facetime grabs the camera when you boot up. That is your problem. Make sure you have not setup those apps to launch at startup othewrwise they grab the camera.
I do not recommend installing the Logitech software at all. I found them to cause problems. Suggest removing that software and rebooting. The camera is automatically using the built-in drivers in Mac OSX instead.
Once you plug that camera in it will automatically replace the iSight as the default camera on the Mac as the USB camera.
In Adobe Connect, right mouse on the Conenct desktop and get the Flash settings panel. The USB selection should be the default and that would be the Logitech. It will just say USB and it will not say Logitech.
In Connect 8 you can use the camera pod options to select the camera.
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I do not have either iChat or FaceTime or Skype, or any other conferencing software set to launch on login. Looking at my login items, there are none listed, and looking at Activity Monitor, there are no processes I would identify with a video app. I also tried this on a guest account, and on a spartan account that I use for presentations. No dice.
I no longer have the Logitech Webcam Software installed either, and I have tried it on another Mac in the house, running Lion, without success.
As noted, apps that do not rely on Flash seem to recognise the camera OK. Anything using Flash can access the mic component through the settings pane, but not the video.
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Ok. Then there is something grabbing that camera so Flash thinks it is busy (tied to another app).
So, I just tried my C910 on 4 different Macs running Lion, Flash 10.3 or 11 beta, Logitech's VID software (new one is recently updated so maybe that might help as the last one had issues). I'm using Adobe Connect 8.1.2 (latest server version) and the latest Adobe Connect Add-In.
Make sure again that you have the latest Flash, clean your browser cache and restart the browser or try another browser like Chrome to see if Safari is the issue.
Make sure you have the latest addin installed from
If none of that helps, then you can try this:
Download ManyCam from It's free:
- Use your webcam with multiple programs simultaneously.
Once installed, you can tell the Adobe Connect pod to use the ManyCam "virtual camera" as your camera.
If ManyCam solves the issue, then that tells me your Mac is locking the webcam to another app (a preferences file may be reserving an app running may not be the issue!)
Let me know what you find.
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Thanks. I have a project which will occupy me all day tomorrow, but I'll give your solutions a try after that and report back. I quickly tried the cam in Chrome and Firefox with the same results. BTW, I've been using as a quick test.
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Another thought....make sure you have the latest Connect Add-In installed. Also, right mouse click on the Adobe Connect desktop area and go thru the tabs there making sure you have allowed Flash to talk to this Connect server. See the Privacy tab to set that option.
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I started a new account, so I'd be working with as clean a slate as possible. I reinstalled the current Flash and Adobe add-ins. No difference. I added ManyCam and the camera became available in Flash, but with a serious lag (1.5-2 s).
So, the problem seems to be as you described, but how would I go about finding what may be grabbing the video feed? to the best of my knowledge none of iChat, FaceTime, Google video chat, or Skype are set to load at load at boot-up or log-in, and I'm signed out of everything I can think of that might be a culprit.
Thanks in advance for any leads.
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ajteichman - may not really be what is launching.....but what app is configured to grab that camera at launch.
I suggest you check the Logitech software preferences because I tell Logitech not to load at startup. Same with iChat and Facetime. It's got to be one of those....but who knows! I think these machines love to play games with us humans sometimes....IT"S THE BORG....:-)
Let me sleep on it and play around...sometimes the answer comes to me like a stay tuned. Stay positive...we will figure this out between us. Goofy stuff.......
uhh..brainstorm just hit....before closing the window:
checkout this URL:
It appears to be a known issue with Apple's iSight and some have fixed it various ways related to installing various updates or playing with Apple QuickTIme player settings. Some have diagnosed this by creating a fresh install on an external drive and rebooting and all worked fine.....that tells us it is software related not a bad camera.
The link above refers to Apple's isight generally but I see where Apple admits that sometimes when the Mac goes to sleep the camera gets hosed up. Not sure if that relates here. They recommend rebooting the Mac is Safe Mode then restarting. Some of the locked camera issues go awy after that.
Personally, I do think this is a software preferences file issue and we have to look at Quicktime, iChat, any of the preference files and maybe think one of them is corrupt.
So, I kind of like the "create a new bootup" drive option and see if the camera works fine with Connect. If so, then at least we know some file is in the way for sure.
Which this was easier...but Flash is pretty "dumb" when it comes to this asks the OS for the Camera....the OS checks....the OS says sure it's not being then passes control to Flash to open it and stream. But if the OS "thinks" the camera is busy then it tells Flash no. Flash sits there and sighs....:-)
Taka a really careful look again at the Logitech software too. It gave a weird problem with an older version and I just uninstalled it and let the OS use it.
If you want to trade email with me directly...I'm at