Hi Jessica:
It's possible that your company's spam filter is preventing
the emails
from being delivered.
Are you receiving other types of email from your Breeze
Please try to send another type of test email to yourself
from within
your Breeze account, such as a meeting notification, and see
if that
If you're able to get some types of email but not others,
that would
indicate that there may be an issue with the way your account
configured or possibly even a bug specific to this feature
(though I'm
not aware of any) which should be investigated further.
In this instance, I would recommend opening a support ticket
so that
we can troubleshoot this further with the specifics of your
Hope this helps!
Jeff Von Ward
Breeze Product Support Manager
Adobe Systems, Inc.
On Wed, 2 Aug 2006 19:32:15 +0000 (UTC), "Jessica Rivera"
<webforumsuser@macromedia.com> wrote:
>Has anyone else experienced this issue I discovered
> I needed to reset a user's password to access my Breeze
presentations. I went
>into the "Administration" link on our hosted server and
found the user's
>profile info. I clicked the link that said "
Send a link to reset this
>user's password." and I got a confirmation message
stating it had been
>sent. The user claimed to never receive the email. I sent
it in this same
>manner about 4 times and the user never got an email with
a link to reset her
> I tested it on my own profile and tried to send myself a
link to reset my
>password, and I have still not received anything!! I
double checked the email
>address to make sure it was correct and I also checked my
junk email inbox in
>case it was filtered into that folder and it was not.
> What's going on here? Where is the email??