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Not able to run a seminar after update to 9.1

Community Beginner ,
Sep 11, 2013 Sep 11, 2013

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We have 2 seminar rooms and Event manager licences.

We scheduled a seminar at the end of August. Then created the Event, send the invitations etc.

We received the document of the update to 9.1 from Adobe.

http://helpx.adobe.com/adobe-connect/kb/seminar-room-licensing-faq.html, it says:

"How do I schedule meetings on my Seminar Room license?

·       If you currently use the Adobe Connect Event Module to schedule your Seminars, no further action is required. If you do not use the Event Module, watch this video tutorial to see a walkthrough of how to schedule your seminars BEFORE your upgrade.  Be sure to schedule all your Seminar Rooms in advance of your upgrade to 9.1 to ensure your Seminar Rooms function at capacity during your events. Contact your account administrator for timing (see below for more information). "

Yesterday we could not run the seminar. When we reached the 10 participants, nobody else was able to join.

I've contacted the help support but no clear answer yet. I've an open case, because it seems that this is a bug, but it seems that nobody is able to find out the problem so far.

Have anybody experienced something similar?

On the other side, is there a way to have somebody from Adobe attending the seminar as a host? We feel that the tool is great, but the support is far from good.







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Adobe Employee ,
Sep 11, 2013 Sep 11, 2013

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Thanks for reaching out to us & apologies for the experience, please share the case# which you opened with support and I would have a resource work with you on this issue.





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Adobe Employee ,
Sep 11, 2013 Sep 11, 2013

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Hi GuillemCB,

can you please confirm from semianr sesison page whether there is a  scheduled session at the time when you were trying to login to seminar.

Did you(hosts joined the room) observed any orange notifier in the seminar room mentioning that it is being running in  Stand By mode.

As you have mentioned no more than 10 people were able to login to seminar --> it means your seminar was running in Stand By Mode.





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Adobe Employee ,
Sep 11, 2013 Sep 11, 2013

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Did user try to enter the room using seminar URL or the event URL. Ideally, if you scheduled an event (and added seminar to that event), users should join it via event login.





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Sep 11, 2013 Sep 11, 2013

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Hi snikihil123 and Aswani,

thanks for your answers. Case number is 0184682196.

  • Yes, the Stand by mode was displayed all the time
  • The users entered via the Event invitation

The Seminar and the Event were created mid-late August. From the information we got for the update to v9.1, it clearly said that if we were having the Event module, no action had to be taken from us.






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Adobe Employee ,
Sep 11, 2013 Sep 11, 2013

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Hi GuillemeCB,

if you saw that stand By Mode notifier in the seminar , that itself states that seminar is running outside scheduled time.

after 9.1 seminar can only be run to its full license capacity during scheduled time only.

so just by creating the seminar or after/before scheduled time the seminar will  end up in Stand By mode(of max 10 users).

if one wants to schedule a session/event :

1.a) if seminar session(without events) : got to semianr page and schdule the sesison.

   b) you can also create adhoc sesison (of max 600 users from that stand by notifier)

2. or need to create the event using seminar and at schedule time the seminar will itself moved out of stand by mode to let all required users to join in.







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Community Beginner ,
Sep 11, 2013 Sep 11, 2013

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Hi Snikihil123,

thanks for your mail.

Sorry, I'm a bit confused here. We created the seminar, as always mid-late August. Then we created the event, as always.

At the time of the seminar, participants logged in via the link on the Event inviation. In the seminar, the hosts had the Stand by all the time. The seminar could not be run.

In the documentation provided by Adobe on the update to v9.1 it said that there was no need to do anything for customers that had an Event license, for the seminars set up prior to v9.1, so we did not do anything.

Now it seems that we had to do something, and here is my confusion.

From your answer:

if one wants to schedule a session/event :

1.a) if seminar session(without events) : got to semianr page and schdule the sesison.

   b) you can also create adhoc sesison (of max 600 users from that stand by notifier)

2. or need to create the event using seminar and at schedule time the seminar will itself moved out of stand by mode to let all required users to join in.

We have option 2. Therefore we sould create the seminar and then the event linked to the seminar, right?

I'm sorry, I'm lost. That's what we have been always doing.

Which is the correct process, and why was our seminar not running correctly?







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Adobe Employee ,
Sep 11, 2013 Sep 11, 2013

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Hi Vbasari,

Sorry for the confusion.

Yes, you are correct with seminar + events its same workflow .

what i was mentioning above is the total users(to semianr license capacity) can only be enter in the room during Start Time  - > End time of the event (when you joined a semianr with an event) and after and before that duration, the seminar will be running in Stand By Mode and only 10 users can join in then .

To me when it looks ,  you had mentioned that you saw the stand by icon so same is what happening with you  and it might be posisble that you were trying to login during Non Scheduled time.

Hope it clears your confusion !!







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Community Beginner ,
Sep 11, 2013 Sep 11, 2013

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Thanks for your answer.

Therefore it means that we need to tell the participants to enter the seminar at the exact time of the starting, or just after the start, otherwise the won't be able to do so.

My question is: does this make sense? If I'm a participant, I will always enter before the time, to check that everything works, and that I'm ready for the seminar, isn't it?

Or else, do we need to define the start time of the seminar 15 minutes prior, and start at the planned time?

Eg. we want to run a seminar from 4 to 5PM. Then do we need to schedule it from 3.45 to 5PM, but tell the participants that it will really start at 4pm?

This was not happening before v9.1. and this is somehow cumbersome.






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Sep 11, 2013 Sep 11, 2013

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Agreed, it seems to be counter productive to force multiple start times to be communicated, and no buffer on the access to the seminars. If non-concurrent sessions are happening in Seminar rooms, could a 15-30 buffer before and after the scheduled time be worked into Connect's logic?





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Community Beginner ,
Sep 11, 2013 Sep 11, 2013

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Agreed Jorma. Buffer time is absolutely needed.

But if this is the case, then once the participants are joining the seminar at the exact time, how do, as a host, let them in?






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Community Beginner ,
Sep 11, 2013 Sep 11, 2013

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Hi snikihil123,

In the document of the update to 9.1 from Adobe.

http://helpx.adobe.com/adobe-connect/kb/seminar-room-licensing-faq.htm l, it says:

What happens if my participants arrive early to my session?

Your early participants can join your scheduled sessions up to 30 minutes before the scheduled start time. Your seminar room goes out of the stand-by mode 30 minutes before the scheduled start time.

I think that there's a big contradiction here with your answer, isn't it?

Our seminar room in this case, was always in Stand-by mode. And the hosts were there 30 min, at least, prior to the start.

And again, the participants could not join before the seminar. When the top 10 was reached, nobody else could join.






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Adobe Employee ,
Sep 11, 2013 Sep 11, 2013

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Hi Vbasari,

By before and afer scheduled time i meant including the buffer time of 30 mins.

you are correct if you session/event schduled for say 3 - 4 then at 2:30 seminar should moived out of Stand by mode in order to let user joinn in, this is working fine for me.

for your case what i was suggesting is to ccheck if the sesison/ event schduled for that time only when users were trying to join the seminar.

i think you have already logged a case for this as in orde to confirm what went wrong with your session server/application logs may require and i think our support team would be loking to it.

Sorry for the confusion !! but to confirm the seminar moved out of stand by mode you can chek it on your account too by just creating a semianr and schedule a session or event  on the same .





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Community Beginner ,
Sep 12, 2013 Sep 12, 2013

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Thanks for your answer, but at the end, you suggest that we need to always create manually this "buffer" time, so 2:30-4PM seminar, for a seminar that will start at 3PM?

This does not make any sense. It was way better in version 9. Are we the only Adobe customers facing this problem? I doubt so, really,

So, to clarify it:

  • we create a seminar from 2:30 to 4PM.
  • we send the invitations (but we need to tell participants that it will start at 3PM)
  • at 2:30 PM, hosts and presenter enter the seminar room, and then the room will not be in stand-by mode anymore
  • participants then can start entering the room

Is this the right way?

Besides of that, our seminar was in stand-by mode after it had started at the planned time.

http://helpx.adobe.com/adobe-connect/kb/seminar-room-licensing-faq.htm l, it says:

What happens if my participants arrive early to my session?

Your early participants can join your scheduled sessions up to 30 minutes before the scheduled start time. Your seminar room goes out of the stand-by mode 30 minutes before the scheduled start time.






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Adobe Employee ,
Sep 12, 2013 Sep 12, 2013

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Hi Vbasari,

The way you are scheduling the semianr is correct.

what i was mentioning is :

1. hosts created a seminar

2. schedule a session for that semianr or create an event and provide teh start and end time (in our eg: say it is 3:00 --> 4:00 PM)

3. nothing else need to do for buffer time.

4. As per  semianr scheduling feature if one(semianr/event host or any other user)  try to enter before 2:30 then at max only 10 were allowed to join .

5. 30 minuter before the scheduled time seminar itself went out of stand by mode.

for your steps the one youmentioned above :

a) you just need to mention the participants same start time. so frparticipants also you just need to mention 3-4 .

b) 30 minutes buffe rtime will be handled by semianr scheduling logic itself.(seminar/event hosts not need to worry about that.)

P.S: in order to understand it better it will be much easier if you could try it out on your own as by explaining it here may cofuse you apologies for that.







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Community Beginner ,
Sep 12, 2013 Sep 12, 2013

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Hi Nikhil,

thanks for your answer. This is exactly how it should work, but it didn't in our case. And that's our concern.

Our seminar did not go out of stand-by mode 30 min prior to the start time. That's a bug, I presume.

I created a seminar after this one and it worked fine, but it was a test for only 3 participants.

We'll create another one with more participants and see.





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Sep 12, 2013 Sep 12, 2013

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how do we know if we will have the same issues with the seminars that we scheduled before the v9.1?






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Sep 12, 2013 Sep 12, 2013

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We had the same problem  with a scheduled seminar last night being in standby mode and i've been looking into it this morning.

So I scheduled a seminar session for 15 minutes in advance (9.30AM GMT).

Entered the room and the standby was displayed in the corner with a message next scheduled session 10:30PM

I had a look at the schedule information for the seminar and at the bottom the time zone shows (GMT-12:00) International Date Line West.

I checked the timezone on our account and it's set correctly for the UK.

I could be wrong, but it looks like when we are scheduling a seminar it's setting the time as International Date Line West. 11 hours behind our current time.





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It looks as if you are in the UK, but the time zone set on your account is for the other side of the world. If you are in the UK you will want the time zone set to GMT.JPG

The time zone can be set on the account level (Administration > Account > Edit Info) or at the individual level (My Profile >  Edit My Preferences)





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Sep 12, 2013 Sep 12, 2013

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Brilliant, thank you.





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