Hopefully these tips will help your cause:
1.) Get a scanner
2.) Get your receipts
3.) Scan your receipts with the scanner you got
4.) Place receipts on clear surface (bed) of scanner. Face
5.) Close the door.
6.) Press START.
7.) Find scanned receipts in target folder after scanning of
receipts is completed
8.) Print scans to Adobe PDF (File ~~~> Print - select
Adobe PDF as your printer)
9.) Save the scanned receipt to PDF in target location. Maybe
even the same one that you saved your scanned receipts.
10.) If you can't print to Adobe PDF (although you should be
able to if you have Acrobat Professional installed), look on the
InterWeb (namely Google) for 'print to .pdf'
I do hope that helps. Helping you help yourself is why I do
what I do.