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I created a PowerPoint presentation in Office 365 Desktop with animations on the slides.
I have Adobe Creative Cloud and Presenter 11,1,5
When I installed presenter, there was a link to get flash and then a box to check so it would not look for updates -- this was to get Presenter to work.
So far, so good.
I want to share the PDF with the animations, not just the final slide after each animation is loaded.
I went to the Presenter tab, clicked on publish, then Adobe PDF, chose the location and typed the file name and clicked publish. After about 2 minutes, the publish progress box vanished.
There is a file, but when I open it in Acrobat, it is a while box with the error "this content requires flash player, which is no longer supported"
I need to share this with someone, and don't know what to do from here. To ask someone else to install a flash workaround is not realistic.
I appreciate your response.
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When you publish to PDF it embeds the SWF (Flash) output on a single page PDF. As a result, that is a dead medium for publishing with Presenter. If you want someone to be able to watch your presentation you will either need to publish it as HTML to Adobe Connect or Captivate Prime, or you can publish it locally as a Zip of the HTML output and then upload it to a webserver of your choice.
You could possibly share the zipped output, but they would need to un-zip it and use the index.html file to launch it in their browser and play it locally.
Ultimately, Presenter was designed to allow you to create a web-friendly version of your PPT content, so local distribution and playback was never its strong suit.
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It was nice while it lasted, though. I had to create a quick animation of a collision between two cars in a parking lot. PPT was surprisingly adept at that, and I sent the mp4 recording of the slide show to the insurance company, but they wanted a PDF of the slides. I thought, oh, I could dig out presenter and do this, and spent about 8 hours of troubleshooting. I finally gave up and just duplicated the slides with animation and removed all the movements.
I just published to my computer and opened the zip file. when I opened the HTML file in my browser, again, just a white page.One of the beauties of Presenter of old was that it was like sending the presenter version of the animated PPT presentation -- they could do the timings with a click, and go at their own pace. That's why I loved it for training.
So, how can I use the zip file that is created when I publish to my computer? Can I put it in WordPress?
What is the packaging now? I recall it was used when I was sending the presentation to someone, and if it included components such as a video, I had to package it so the video (and fonts) were included.
Is this to force people into Captivate? Without flash, is there still a simple way I can design a PPT presentation, add quizzes, and then export for a person to use with recording the responses?
What about simply exporting a PPT with animations and short little videos in a format that the user can control with clicks? (One that would look like what one would see in Presenter view in PPT)
I do appreciate your getting back to me so quickly and hope you'll be able to explain if I can do what I want to do any longer.
Many thanks, Jorma.
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If you are going to use the contents of the Zip file locally you will need to extract all of the contents in the Zip file to the same location before launching the index.html file. If you leave it zipped, launching the index.html fill will cause it to get extracted to a temp folder without all the other objects in the zip, and therefore can't call to and load the other objects.
You should be able to place the contents of the zip in WordPress. Most webservers can un-zip packages, but if WordPress can't you may have to un-zip it and then upload all the contents to word press. Then call the index.hml file when linking to it. Everything that the presentation uses should be in that Zip.
Is this a play to force people to use Captivate? Maybe, but ultimatly I believe that the Captivate product team no longer wants to deal with/update Presenter so they are letting it die on the vine. I see it a less of a push for Captivate and more of an 'Office Space' style of solution where the problem will just work itself out natrually. If you want to keep working with a good tool that plugs into PPT, Articulate Presenter may be worth looking into.
You can still publish the Presenter output as an HTML presentation to be delivered on the web. The amount of user tracking depends on the settings you enable in the Quiz Reporting and where you place the presentation. Just putting it in a WordPress site will probably never have any meaningful tracking, but will still enable you to use the quizzing and polling functions if you want.
I'm not aware of a native function in PPT that can export that way. Honestly, if they want a PDF version of the slides, I'd print them to PDF and give them to them.