I am using C# and our Connect Pro server is hosted by Adobe.
I am having issues when I login with a POST httpWebRequest. I form
the POST web request and send it off with Action=Common-Info. I get
a valid response and pull the session ID and account-id out of the
XML. I then pass the login, password and session ID to the
Action=Login. I get a response of OK but when I try my next request
that requires login I get a response that says "no-access",
"no-login". I verified that I sent the same sessionID each time. I
even tried to send the group ID but got the same response. Also,
when I resent the Common-info call including the session ID, I got
the same response... a response without the "user" node as I would
get in the browser.
I am refering to the login method as perscribed in the
documentation below:
Log in using the session parameter
Before you log the user in, call common-info to get the value
of the BREEZESESSION cookie:
Extract the cookie value from the
Log the user in, specifying the cookie value:
Parse the response for a status code of ok.
Use the session parameter with the same cookie value on
subsequent calls for the user, until the user's session
When the user logs out or the user's session ends, do not
reuse the cookie value.
Help much appreciated.