My experience with Windows Vista has been excellent. I've
been running it for about 4 months on three different computers . I
haven't found any software that has given me a problem once I
installed the vendor's Vista updates. If someone is having problems
with an application, they can run it in the Windows XP compatible
mode or check for a vendor update.
The reason I posted a message here is that I've had so few
problems with applications that I was wondering if anyone else was
having a similar problem, or if it might be something with my
The only was I've been able to get descent audio when running
a Breeze meeting under Vista is to turn off the Audio Enhancements
in the Audio Setup Wizard. Once that's turned off, the choppy audio
disappears. In my opinion, it must be the Breeze Meeting Add-in
that's the problem. The audio card and drivers in my three Vista
machines are all different, but they all exhibit the same problem
with Breeze.