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Hi all,
I apologize if this has been asked/answered before but I can't find it in the search. We have just switched over to SSO for Adobe Connect (v9), and I can no longer publish my Captivate 8 files. I used to be able to publish directly to Connect from within Captivate, but I am no longer able to. When I try to publish to the new SSO URL, I get the following message:
I've tried publishing to the old URL, and it doesn't allow me to log in. I've tried exporting both a ZIP and SWF, and while it allows me to upload the file, I am unable to get it running in my meeting room. Has anyone else had these issues or know how to resolve them?
(x-posted in Captivate forum)
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I think you have two issues at play here. First is the uploading issue. The error message you are getting is about an Event. Did you give Captivate the URL to access the server or was there a more specific URL? I know you probably can't share the URL here, but it should have something similar to htt p:// as the URL. If there is more to the URL htt p:// then it is calling to a specific object or folder and that may be causing the issue.
As to it not playing in a Connect room, what error are you getting?
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Hi Jorma,
Thanks for your response. I don't know why it's trying to upload to an Event. I used the new server URL, which is I did end up finding a workaround, which involves using the old URL ( and a login password combination specific to Adobe Connect, which means I'm no longer using SSO. So yay, I can log in to upload my files now, but it would be great if I was actually utilizing the SSO method!
And as for the issue of it not loading in a Connect room, that has been resolved.
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I'm glad you got it resolved. Not to rain on the SSO parade, but the hosted environment ( doesn't support SSO. The login credentials will always remain specific to the hosted Connect environment, so that may not change, unless your SSO application then logs you into Connect as a separate step. While I don't expect you know the inner workings of the SSO deployment at your company, I figure it is worth mentioning.
You may just need to use the hosted URL with Captivate.
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I understand that. What I'm saying is that when I use the hosted URL with Captivate, I get the event-related error message.