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Hello folks,
I am using Adobe Connect and I've deleted a meeting with an associated Recording.
Is there any way for me to recover this recording?
Thanks for your cooperation.
Best regards,
Bruno Martins
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Contact Adobe support immediately through your provider.
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My understanding is that you should be able to recover the recording, provided that you haven't replaced the deleted meeting with a new meeting using the same URL.
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I will do that in the meanwhile.
@Kristian C:
That was precisely what I did. So isn't there a way to recover the recording, in this case?
Thanks a lot for your fast replies.
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I may still have been on version 7.5 when I ran into this problem. At that time, it was not possible to recover the recording. I'm not sure if anything has changed in newer versions of Connect.
Good luck.
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any way for recovery?
i was delete and re create seminar with same URL. i was lost old record.
i try undelete files under connect/content/7 but no luck.
my version 9.1.1 Onpromise licensed server.
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If there is a backup of the server from before you deleted the seminar room, then you could restore that image and move the recording(s) before deleting the room. Otherwise, no, it's gone.
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i haven't backup, i was run seminar but my seminar closed 1 houre after. I can't extend time currently running seminar (new version) . Quickly login to Adobe Connect Managment Panel and delete re create same URL seminar for solution. But first 1 houre recording deleted
Adobe connect when record any meeting must be write to maybe connect/content/temp/temprory.flv or connect/content/7/82225/output/blabla0_0.flv when a meeting closed and recreated Adobe must be open new folder name with new seminar (connect/content/7/82226/output/another_blabla0_0.flv)
My first seminar record name is tsrm_0.flv second seminar record name is y_0.flv
i know flv only video capture of cameras.
I cant fount deep undelete searching any big flv under /connect
Adove overwrite recordings?
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Recordings are stored in the Recordings section of the seminar or meeting room. If the room is deleted any recordings associated with that room will also be permanently deleted.
If you moved the recording to the Content library or if you didn't delete the room then the recording remains in the Recordings section of that room. New recordings are placed in the same location for the room and Connect doesn't over write any recordings.
As to the content location, that is probably a question best addressed by platinum support, as the recording are not a single file saved on the server, but are a collection of files used to re-create the live meeting experience.
Did you delete and re-create the seminar room or just create a new session in the seminar room?
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i was delete (not session) and re-create room with same URL different room title name with panic You know my seminar 2 hour early automaticly finished (server time, local time sync isues)
i know if any room deleted all records deleted with room.
i have onle one way: searching deleted files under c:\Connect\content folder with Undelete / Recovery softwares of Windows 2008R2
no luck many deleted files overwriten. we must be find approx 100mb flv file for 1 hour webcam record but no any big size file. please check it screenshoot, i know we havent any way for deleted room records.
How can we open any senimar room with unlimited session? system only give 12 hours maximum. 10 people limit trouble, maybe we must downgrade to 9.0
thank you for share your experriences my language not yet so sorry.
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another my isues i was add Event Manager license but my CQ not work i need re install help. Can anybody help me from skype?
thank you again.
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If it helps this is a basic file structure of a recording. Your recording may have had some other files in it based on what was shared.
As to the CQ server not installing correctly, I'd recomend either starting a new thread about that, or contacting support directly.
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Thank you Jorma, i was pay $ for license and pay %20 for support. But support never ansver to my tickets from 1 years!
My ticket open way: login to license Adobe server> i can see my license and i can download my instalable scripts. Open some tickets from account panel.
Never answered.
thank you for help me.
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You should have received a contact number for Adobe Platinum Support with your support contract ID. The North America number is 866-335-2256, but I see you are not in North America, so that may be an expensive call.
If nothing else, reach out to your reseller and they should be able to provide you with a contact number for you to use.
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Hi Webinardj, please write us your contact details to our Enterpise Support mailbox We would work on both the issues.
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hi, okay thank you i can write to this email becasue my last ticket (3-4 days ago) not answered from account panel, maybe i have some wrongs i don't know.
now i can write en email to this address with my Software License Certificate informations
thank you
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done emailing thank you now waiting time ....
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i was answer to support email on 01/21/2014 with my login informations. and i was send 2-3 emails more bu nobody answer again
waiting for case: 185096701. Annkiit Adobe Enterprise Support
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if yes support team is stalling me. they havent login to my server and re-installed yet
PLATINUM Support covered make install or patch update?
i was lost many time 01/15/2014 to 01/29/2014
Thank you for purchasing Adobe PLATINUM Support and activating your plan.
You are now ready to use PLATINUM Support to get how-to help and
real-time problem solving over the phone or via the web.
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Call them. I've never had an issue with working with them live. While I agree that the e-mail response is not what it should be, having a person live and on the phone will allow them to get into a Connect session and see your server and work through the issue. Don't be shy about calling, you paid for the support, use it.
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i was said to support team " i can't talk with phone becasue myu language not yet"
i can wrote here with some time dictionary but phone calling not same!
in my country (Turkey) Adobe Connect Support Corprate little mixed, which corp give support to Connect which Corp give support to Photoshop we don't know. When i call to any Dealer said " no we can't give support, call to adobe"
But when i need buy any product every dealler try sale
Please don't forget my isues so easy. Only i need 15 minutes clean installation services, i don't save any services from 360 days! but i thing we are 3th class country!
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Ok, I would try this, as I think this can get you in touch with someone who can help:
Go here and select something from the drop down menu (what you select doesn't matter), and then select 'I still need help'. You will see three options to contact Adobe Support. Either choose Chat Now, and see if you can get in touch with someone who can help or Call an Agent. The Call and agent page has phone numbers for many countries in Europe, although not Turkey, hopefully one will be useful to you.
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Thank you This link for only hosted meeting upport from Adobe. All countrys offices of Adobe for supporting to Hosted Connect from Adobe.
Livechat: SukhDev: We are in connect hosted support
yesterday my case ansvers bottom, i must wait I have time becasue i'm waiting from one years
Premium Support %20 charging to me ($5000) totaly licensed prices. Ofcourse i can give $200 to freelancers for installation but why! I can still use without Event manager.
Can you please provide me your contact details. I will call you within one hour.
However, We are speaking with the Connect engineers in your area so that they can work on Connect and CQ installation and that is taking time.
Adobe Enterprise Support