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I have been having issues lately with powerpoint slide animations no longer playing on mobile devices. We conduct training sessions through Connect and often have slides which pose a question and then the answers are revealed through a slide animation. The slide will load correctly on the mobile device (With content initially hidden) but then the animation will not play and so the answers are not revealed to the mobile device users. I have tested this on my Huawei P9 android phone, an iPad and a Lenovo android tablet and the issue is the same across the board.
I'm not sure if this is an issue that has come into play since Adobe Connect 10. All of my old presentations which are already loaded into meeting rooms still work correctly, however if I upload that EXACT same file again now, the animations will no longer work. This makes me think that something has changed in the way that Connect imports the file and converts it to the Presenter format.
If anyone can offer any advice on how to fix this issue it would be much appreciated.
This is a known issue and should be fixed with the release of Connect 10.1.1. This update is expected to be applied to Hosted customers on the 24th of Jan.
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This is a known issue and should be fixed with the release of Connect 10.1.1. This update is expected to be applied to Hosted customers on the 24th of Jan.
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Hi there
I'm experiencing the same problem with Adobe Connect 10 in my meeting rooms? Is this the same issue?
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Yes, this should be the same issue.
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The problem is back now it is happening with Adobe 11 Standert view not classic