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Hi all,
We are having a major issue with microphones during meeting. We deliver online tutorials. Usually 2 hosts and up to 30 students.
Since the new release we have found that even when students/hosts have thier microphones muted on Adobe, sound is still coming through. Our sessions are recorded, so this is a major GDPR issue for us, as session facilitators and students can be on other calls at the same time.
Is anyone else having this issue/know how to solve?
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I had the same issue and made the attached video to demonstrate the problem to Adobe tech support. I was told it's a known issue and would be corrected in version 11.2 (due for my area on Feb 21st).
It only happens to users who are in the HTML. I think they can be instructed to "Disconnect" the mic vs. "Mute" and that will stop the error.
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This is a situation that can happen if someone mutes and then changes their mic in Connect. Disconnecting/reconnecting the mic may help solve the problem. I believe this may be addressed in the release of 11.2.